Back when I was a videographer in the Air Force, videotaping various training activities and shooting military documentaries, one of the basic filmic principles I used was the "shoot and move" method.

It worked like this: I would record a shot from a specific position, at a particular angle and perspective, and then would move to another position and shoot the action from an obviously different angle and different perspective.

This technique made for a lot of work when I was out shooting, but it made for easier work later on when it came time to edit all of these different shots together. Plus, it made the video much more interesting than if I had kept the camera in only one or two positions.

Interestingly, this same principle can help us in our daily lives. Here's how:

« By examining the situations we are presented with from various perspectives and points of view, we can gain a better understanding of the situation and thus, a better approach to dealing with them.

« Viewing situations only as long as is necessary to get the point before we move on ensures that we truly "get the picture."

« Once we've dealt with a situation or done the work required, we move immediately to the next thing. This holds our interest, keeps us motivated, prevents boredom and moves us constantly towards our goals.

« While occasionally requiring more time "up front," we will generally *save* a lot of time by using this method because we are better prepared, we make fewer mistakes, and we have more options.

If you're interested in creating a big, bold, wide screen, CINEMASCOPE life apply the "shoot and move" method in your daily life. Be the star in the movie of your life!

Author's Bio: 

Jim Allen is a life coach and speaker. For more ideas, subscribe to his weekly newsletter, THE BIG IDEA, by sending a blank email to: