Everyone is concerned about losing weight. Who wouldn't be? With the levels of obesity rising to obscene levels in this country, it's right that we should be. The health risks associated with obesity are just too serious to ignore. Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes- these are just a few of the debilitating and potentially life threatening diseases associated with being more than a few pounds overweight.

A healthy diet is essential to any successful weight loss program. Eating well-balanced meals is key to boosting metabolism and burning away fat. Choosing the right kinds of food is crucial to losing those excess pounds that a multimillion dollar industry has already thrived on the development of weight loss systems based on food portions and combinations.

There are a number of weight loss systems that have advanced their theories of the components of the correct diet for weight loss. From those that offer prepackaged meals delivered right at your doorstep to those that simply tell you what combinations to prepare, these weight loss systems gain their viability on the premise that what they offer help for those on the heavy side for them to attain their weight loss goals. If you're interested in taking what these weight loss systems have to offer, here's a lowdown on their advantages and benefits:

Pros of Weight Loss Systems:

1. Systems that deliver prepackaged portion-controlled meals to their clients ensure that those on that particular diet get the desired kinds of food and appropriate number of calories for a particular meal.

2. Prepackaged meals eliminate the need to prepare food, thus making the diet easy to comply with.

3. Some weight loss systems are actually backed by solid scientific research on how the body works and as such do not only promote weight loss, but also create healthier eating habits among its practitioners.

4. Some weight loss systems offer counseling and support to dieters so that they have psychological and emotional support while on the plan. Some systems even have support groups so people get the chance to bond with others going through a similar experience.

Cons of Weight Loss Systems

1. Those on prepackaged delivered meal plans eventually gain weight as soon as they are out of the program since they are not used to preparing the portions of their own food. The usual tendency is to overestimate portions or go for quick fixes that are usually fattening and generally unhealthy.

2. Some weight loss systems prescribe herbal pills or preparations to go with their meal plans. While some have raved of the astonishing results of these diets, the safety of these herbal preparations have not been fully established.

3. Some weight loss systems are downright unhealthy. Diets that rely only on coffee, crackers, and soup preparations are clearly unhealthy and not endorsed by any medical professional or organization. They can be potentially dangerous.

4. Most of these systems only address the issue of diet as a means to lose weight but do not address the issue of a complete paradigm shift. To keep the weight off for good, individuals must understand that a healthy diet and exercise must be practiced consistently and regularly.

In search of the top rated meal replacement shake? Read this Shakeology review and this post called "Shakeology scam".

Author's Bio: 

Health and nutrition fanatic, mountain biking enthusiast, and proud father of 4.