Can affirmations really be used to help you lose weight? Yes, but only if they are used in a certain way. Too often, people use affirmations that are very vague, unfocused or weak, which does nothing to further their goal. It's not too surprising that these affirmations don't work well, if at all. This article is going to share two great ideas for creating super strong and effective affirmations for weight loss.
Affirmation Tip #1 - What Do You REALLY Want?
When you use affirmations for weight loss, you are not really aiming for the loss of pounds. Your true goal is enjoying the feeling of being slender and sexy, right? The loss of excess pounds is just the best way you can think of to get that feeling. Not only are you aiming for a positive physical sensation, but there are emotional ties here too. Being overweight can often make you feel very uncomfortable, sluggish, weighed down (literally), and ashamed about your body. Losing weight will undoubtedly make you feel very light, happy, carefree, and proud of your body.
THOSE qualities are what you are really trying to accomplish, not just "losing weight". So your weight loss affirmations should reflect your true desires - the very essence of what you are trying to achieve. "I weigh 130 pounds" is kind of a flat affirmation that doesn't trigger positive emotion within you. How about this one instead: "I feel so good about my slender, sexy, strong body!" That's your true goal, to feel good about your body, not just to see certain numbers on the scale.
It is so important that your affirmations stimulate strong positive emotion when you recite them. Otherwise, you may as well be reciting the ingredients on a box of cereal - it does nothing to activate the law of attraction and draw forth the physical changes you want. On the other hand, when your affirmations spark that inner fire of excitement, joy, enthusiasm and desire, you immediately start pulling strong energy from the universe and directing it toward the creation of your desired outcome.
Affirmation Tip #2 - Full Steam Ahead
If you were to state an affirmation once or twice a day, how effective do you think it would be? Exactly; not very effective at all. Remember the true purpose of affirmations: they are meant to help you start thinking and feeling in a new way. They are supposed to "re-write" old, destructive beliefs into empowering, beneficial beliefs. That won't happen any time soon unless you devote a LOT of attention to it. State your affirmations over and over persistently for days on end, until you can really feel that they are having a positive effect. Even then, don't stop using them, keep going for weeks, months, however long you feel it will take to really create lasting change. (This will vary for everyone, but most people can achieve impressive results within several days to a few weeks.)
One final tip: say your affirmations with great power and conviction in your voice, rather than just droning on blandly. In other words, there's a big difference in the energetic frequency between this affirmation: "I love my slender, fit body," and this one: "I LOVE MY SLENDER, FIT BODY!" (Excitement, enthusiasm, passion!)
You will be able to tell how much progress you are making by the way the affirmation makes you feel. It may seem like you have to expend a lot of effort to stay focused on it at first, but as time goes on it will seem easier and easier, and it will call up a lot more positive emotion - that is your clue that the affirmation is sinking into your subconscious mind and you are beginning to really believe it.
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