2008 has been a roller coaster kind of year -- lots of ups and downs, twists and bends, ramped-up runs at full speed, then, fast, breath-taking drops into thin air.

Clearly, 2008 has not been dull. And, with that in mind, let’s review: What have we learned – or, at the very least, been ...2008 has been a roller coaster kind of year -- lots of ups and downs, twists and bends, ramped-up runs at full speed, then, fast, breath-taking drops into thin air.

Clearly, 2008 has not been dull. And, with that in mind, let’s review: What have we learned – or, at the very least, been reminded of -- this past year? What do we need to carry in our respective cosmic backpacks for the coming year?

Herewith is your packing list for 2009:

Please note: All items will fit easily, conveniently and weightlessly into your cosmic backpack. No need to look in the hall closet, the trunk of the car, the shelf in the garage or the box in the basement, your cosmic backpack has been with you since birth. It is made up of high quantum resolution light molecules and rides easily and invisibly on your back. It is connected via fiber optic light tags to your shoulder wing-nubs.

1. Sense of humor—XL size

2. Balance ball
Life is much easier to negotiate when we are in a place of balance and neutrality. From balance, we can reach further, dig deeper and see with perspective. From a place of balance, we strengthen our core.

3. One pair of full spectrum trinoculars
You will be able to see a) the long view and b) with detachment and c) with compassion.

Perspective is everything. If you are a pessimist; everything you see will back up your belief system that it is all bad. If you are an optimist, everything you see will provide evidence that all is good.

Like the Little Prince, it is helpful to see with the eyes of your heart. As we have learned in 2008, everything is not as it seems. Further, research has shown that finding points of appreciation and/or deeper meaning in situations helps us to maintain heart coherence which results in decreased stress, increased immune functioning among other positive benefits.

4. Common sense
Often forgotten and terribly abused, common sense is a requisite for operating in today’s topsy-turvy world. Remember if it is too good to be true, it is not good, and not true. Trust what makes sense to you.

5. One condensed bag of animal wisdom
Think of a chimpanzee mothering two orphaned tiger cubs; a small dog and a large elephant befriending one another; an old tortoise mothering a stranded, baby rhino; a polar bear and wolf not snarling but frolicking in the snow. Animal wisdom provides the instinctive understanding that there are no barriers to offering comfort and help. Good reminders for us human types.

6. One packet of favorite memories and good times
Use to lift spirits, open heart and restore appreciation. Feel free to add the giggle supplement.

7. One triangle of trust
Breathe the triangle into the belly and activate its energy with three deep breathes. Use your breath daily via assorted life choices and challenges and listen to the reactions from your gut. This will teach you self trust, an essential element of consciousness development.

Learning how to make peace with your warring and disenfranchised parts can strengthen your personal sense of trust. Additionally, the more you trust, the greater your intuition and energetic awareness.

8. One box of QSS (quietude, stillness and silence) tablets
Take one each day for a minimum of 15-30 minutes to renew and restore the soul.

9. Connection rope
Connection is the key to health and well-being. Remember the studies they did at the University of Wisconsin re: women and stress? The bottom line was that women’s stress levels were reduced when they interacted with other women. We, human beings, are social beings; we are wired to hang out with one another. Communing is in our nature.

We feel better helping one another and sharing our experiences, both good and bad, with each other. It is no surprise that support groups for assorted health issues, life crises and addictions are well populated. We need each other, and I suggest we need each other now more than ever as our world shifts and turns.

10. Small bag of magic beans
All things are possible. Where will you choose to plant your magic beans? What new portals do you want to open in 2009?

11. Moral compass
This compass will always lead you in the correct direction.

12. One bar of never-diminishing chocolate (flavor of your choice)
Use as needed for energy, attitude and sharing.

Aren’t we lucky to live in such interesting times where our individual efforts can make such a difference? Confucius would definitely approve.

© Copyright 2009 by Adele Ryan McDowell.

Author's Bio: 

Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a psychologist, empath and shaman who likes looking at life with the big viewfinder. Her website is channeledgrace.com, and her email address is channeledgrace@aol.com.