Getting good grades is not just book learning but the development of skills that will serve one for life. For some, doing well in school is easy and for others a little work is necessary. We will look at what it takes to get good grades, but before we do that, let’s understand why education is so important.

The purpose of education is to gain knowledge necessary to make better choices. After all, life is all about making choices. Knowledge makes people self-reliant and prepares them to take advantage of opportunities. Knowledge is essential for economic development and freeing oneself from poverty not to mention making one a more responsible human being.

Learning Physics, Mathematics, Latin and Sociology and the like are wonderful things but it is the life skills that are acquired during learning that are the most powerful effects of education.

The five basic skills learned in every subject are:


Reading is more important now than ever before. It is the most effective method of acquiring information in the world. Being able to read and understand information is the most single important of life’s skills. Reading can unlock all of the world’s secrets. What are you doing right now?


Just as important as reading, writing allows you to effectively share your thoughts with those who are not in your immediate company. Your ability to do this will give you a huge advantage not only in school, but in life.


Thinking is the ability to interpret and use information. Thinking also includes considering possibilities and being able to consider many points of view. This allows the individual to consider not only what exists but what could exist.

Coping Skills

Everybody is exposed to stressful situations, both positive and negative. Stress exists in the lives of all creatures, and it plays an important role in survival. Stress can have negative effects on our physical and emotional health. The important factor in dealing with stress is not the amount but the method that we deal with it positively. Dealing with life’s stresses plus the added pressure of getting an education is a learned skill that gets stronger with practice.


Putting everything in its proper place so that they are effectively utilized makes life easier. Resources have to be properly organized or they will be wasted. The most valuable resource is time.

If learning important life skills is not enough for you to want to do better in school, consider these facts:

Life expectancy rises by as much as 2 years for every one percent increase in literacy.

82% of prison inmates are high school dropouts (the percentage is higher on death row)

Dropouts are more likely to receive some form of welfare.

Nationwide average income for high school dropouts is $19,000

Nationwide average income for high school graduates is $28,645

Nationwide average income for college graduates is $51,544 (those with advance degrees made $78,093.)

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

In general, more education means better jobs, more money and a better life. When you get good grades, your parents and relatives are proud of you and you feel good about yourself. What else do you need?

Author's Bio: 

Eric Mayo specializes in professional and personal development with special emphasis on life skills and job readiness training. Eric has over 20 years of corporate and educational experience which he uses to help people improve the quality of their lives.

Eric has been studying, learning, applying and executing the art of personal achievement and leadership throughout his career. It is truly his passion and his gift. He combines a straightforward approach and real-world perspective with a presentation style that is inspirational and motivational. His primary message is, “Independence through Self-Reliance."

You can contact Eric at