What really is success?

Is it measured in dollars and materiel possessions as our capitalistic principals would have you believe, or is it measured by the sum of moments you experience which are filled with happiness, joy and laughter? Is it the high power position you hold which places you in the direct authority of those you pay or manage, or is it the position with which others hold you in their heart. What is success?

As a health and fitness consultant I currently work with a myriad of personalities. I work with Accountants, Doctors, Lawyers, Therapists, House Mom's, CEO's, mothers-to-be, grandmothers and grandfathers. Every one of my clients is in some way extremely successful. Yet some, despite all the wealth and professional success seem to be void of happiness. Why?

Is it the pressure to achieve more? Is it some character trait which manifests itself through our life experiences? Or is it a perpetual need to be better, richer, more influential than the next person out there. What is it? Why can some attain such greatness in a single lifetime yet seem unable to attain a sense of happiness and content? So then, what is success?

I am pretty sure it is not money because I do not know a single truly happy millionaire.. It can't be the house or the cars because they require too much time and maintenance. It's not the clothing because they go out of style to quickly. I think I have the answer. But I am sure it is not the same for everyone. I think the answer requires every one of us to take the time to reflect on our lives and decide what makes each of us happy. Then, head in that direction.

Author's Bio: 

A former US Marine who served in operations in Bosnia, Somalia, and Haiti. He holds a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. Dan has served as a Division 1 Asst. Strength and Conditioning Coach at the University of Connecticut, Fitness Director, and Health Club Manager at multiple health clubs, and is currently a health and fitness industry consultant that aids clubs at creating more practical and profitable fitness departments and programs for its members and trainers. He is not a member of any board of any certification organizations and is completely independent and unfunded by any industry organizations.