This is a message to those that are lonely and living in their mental or second state of being. The four states of being are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

These states are affected by 15 senses - and each sense can be reviewed by conscious attention in the process of self discovery and transformation.

All transformations that are real have been identified as having four particular qualities - firstly - “from what” -and “to what”. This is important to recognize and to write down in order to see where you have been and then where you are going to achieve a successful transformation. The second aspect is getting your own attention - and this refers to your 15 senses which are outlined below. After you learn how to put your attention on your senses you will be more fully prepared to know who you are and how you relate to your environment. What is it that you experience and what clouds that experience. And how do you “clear yourself” from misleading yourself through an emotional pattern. After that you then learn how to focus your intention. Your intention is described in your "to what". And the final step in transformation is a creative process that each individual brings to their understanding. And this is generally accompanied by a use of a breathing technique. There are many of these and one best explores breathing techniques when one explores the
thirteen sense which is comprised of a multitude of emotions. There are a number of disciplines that enable you to take control over this aspect of yourself. Many educate us in this model without identifying it specifically. Having briefly studied many disciplines, and met with many Master teachers we see the commonalities and what we call common core curriculum. This enables the individual to practice mastery of the sef.

We all know the 15 senses but we have not identified them - yet.

In the teaching of the senses we are challenged by a decision as to order. Is order important? Should we start with the known - the first five? or should we start with the 15th one – love, light, truth?

And once we decide on the direction of the order should we consider the order of the rest or pick the sense randomly. I believe not.

I believe there are five packages of senses:
the first five -touch, sound, sight, taste, and smell. From the grosser vibration to the finer.
the second four - time and space, temperature and balance - at this time we say any order - and recognize that these have an affect on the first five as well.
the third three - knowing, memory, and intuition - in that order and recognize that these have effect on all other. We believe that this order is important as intuition can be best explored after learning the sense of knowing first then memory.
the next two - emotional and spiritual - and recognize effect on all others
and then the final one - love - god - truth - light -endlessness

We believe that a full integration of this teaching is a prerequisite for the transformed human - the one we have heard about and desire to be. This can be an exploration for the reader with the basics learned here and then the next steps taken through understanding the Homeplanet MBA which takes the transformed human into the 21st Century. (556 words)

Author's Bio: 

Legal Name of Nominee: Mitchell L Gold

2 Bloor Street West Suite 100-209
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2
Born: April 20, 1942 Canada
Nationality: Canadian
Profession: Chartered Accountant / Peace Educator
To the President of Navarra, and the Jury Committee.

As President and Founder of the IAEWP I am well acquainted with the activities of Mitchell Gold. I am pleased to share this knowledge with you in support of your decision to Award him the prestigious Navarra Award. It is my belief that this award could be a defining moment for the Culture of Peace program, and so I am making this nomination with great enthusiasm.

I first became aware of Mitchell Gold when he sent me an audio tape of the story 'The Last One' (1) in 1991. This well produced and excellent story impressed me. The Last One is a compelling production as to the dilemma facing humankind. It was presented as An Environmental Story With The Power To Change The World.


The story of The Last One was originally written by Austin Repath and presented in 1983 at the closing plenary session of the Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, a Global think tank. Early in 1991 at the prompting of Ann McTaggart of the PLANET IN EVERY CLASSROOM project Austin Repath delivered a rough cassette of the story to Mitchell Gold. Mitchell was so moved by the story that he organized the production of the audio version of the story with the support of Canada's leading voice and sound production talents. For Earth Day 1991 the story played on over thirty seven radio stations across Canada.

From that initial launch the story began its travels around the world finding itself in over 100 countries. Print translations in French, Spanish and Japanese are completed and other language versions are in process. The story has even been performed as a play by students at John Fisher Public School. One evening, during a CBC Television News broadcast there was a feature story on Toronto Dance Theatre Founder Patricia Beatty showcasing the dance 'GAIA' . Sensing a compatible feeling between 'GAIA' and the story THE LAST ONE, Mitchell approached Patricia to collaborate on the final production. Michael Clark integrated the two works. Peter Russell's presence occurred through one of those synchronistic experiences that happens only when one is doing special work. Everyone participated in this production from a sense of love and concern for our fellow humankind and also with the strong belief in the message of the story: THAT WE CAN AND WILL MANIFEST CHANGES NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL.

After listening to the story I wrote to Mitchell inquiring what other work he was involved with. He sent to me the Vision Changer Project (2) an equally well produced education curriculum that demonstrated a deep understanding of the education process.

The Vision Changer program was first introduced to Brown School in 1990 as an Earth Day Initiative. The effect of this program on the presenter and the class was quite profound. Due to the impact on the students, and because of the perceived need that this program was satisfying, Mitchell wrote himself out of the program in order to disseminate these ideas to the largest possible audience.

The material is written such that the teacher will reshape this material to his/her own needs and understanding and use it as what it is intended to be, a TOOL for LEARNING, and a tool for transformational change. This program too is available around the world and is now disseminated over the internet free to educators around the world.

VISION CHANGERS is a 6 week program consisting of one forty-minute interactive experience per week and 1- 5 minute segment per day. These sessions are ACTIVE learning, child centered, and can be integrated into other parts of the curriculum. It is intended that the exercises and techniques be continued by the teacher and students long after the introduction through this program. Imagine a network of individual children around the world visioning how they would like their world to be, or their 'preferred world view'. The Vision Changers program will teach students to create their own ideas for their preferred world views. This founding notion for this idea was first created as part of the 'Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose', a global think tank. The Planetary Initiative developed the process for creating a Preferred World View (PWV) by visioning and consensus. It is very clear that the vision of our planet's future which is being created today, largely by the media, is rather bleak. As Barry Lopez says in ARCTIC DREAMS, 'We have the intelligence to grasp what is happening, the composure not to be intimidated by its complexity' and we have the courage to change and create what we want. A CRITICAL FIRST STEP is to develop the skill of visioning as a pre-step to action/change. The Vision Changers is an active group of children who are FIRST creating their view, then challenging others to develop their own preferred world view AND THEN TAKING SUCH STEPS IN THEIR DAY TO DAY LIVES TO MAKE THEIR VISION THEIR REALITY. And so it spreads, causing behavioral, attitudinal, and decision making changes ultimately creating the reality of the vision. The Vision Changers spend some time every day visioning their preferred world view. Annabel Goodman – one of the teachers involved with the program stated: 'It was like magic'.

Vision Changer Credo

Vision Changers believe that the apparent chosen direction of society can and will be affected by the collective conscious will of concerned human beings.

Vision Changers are concerned Human Beings promoting positive human attitudes: Each developing their own Preferred World View.

Vision Changers define 'Environment' as all-inclusive. 'It includes, it does not exclude'. We understand that everything is connected and that a healthy planet will be the result of healthy people. It is our individual responsibility to maintain our health, by being aware that we are what we consume and what we think. From our thoughts we create our world.

Vision Changers are involved with the Home In Every Home Poster campaign. This HOME poster is symbolic of the connection of the Human to the Planet.

Vision Changers understand that breathing together is an important step towards achieving change. Our daily routine includes the direct experience of our senses. 'Before the World can change, first I must change.'

Vision Changers are familiar with 'A Universal Story', and the application of the first Principle, or Prime Directive to their thinking and actions. The 'Purpose of Receiving is to Share.'

Vision Changers are familiar with the framework for Global Education, 'The Global Irreducible Perspective.' We understand that sustainable development requires a 'Rethinking' of all aspects of humanity as represented by the Four E's Graphic: We create through language the inter-relationships between 'Economics, Energy, Ethics and (H)ealth.'

Vision Changers are familiar with the 'Don't waIT' greeting-'Two handclaps followed by the Peace Sign' and the 'high five' application of the greeting.

Vision Changers are familiar with the story 'The Last One.' This story implies that change ultimately will take place by all of us working together as a family of global citizens.

Goals of Vision Changers

The Vision Changers program offers students an opportunity to grow towards the Goals of the Ministry of Education of Ontario.

Develop respect for the environment and a commitment to the wise use of resources;

Develop a sense of personal responsibility in society at the local, national and international levels;

Develop a feeling of self-worth;

Develop resourcefulness, adaptability, and creativity in problem solving, learning and living;

Gain satisfaction from participating and from sharing the participation of others in various forms of artistic expression.

Underlying Philosophy and Concepts

Individuals can make a difference. We can use thought to harness and focus energy. The Universe is holistic and interrelated. Everything affects everything. We all have the power to create our own Preferred World View. Focusing attention on what is around you and developing a questioning way of looking at things is beneficial. In order to understand the environment around us we must first develop what we use to experience the environment, i.e. our senses. The environment is not 'out there'. We are our environment. The future is not a continuation of the past. It will be what we choose to make it. A VISION CAN BE AN ATTRACTOR OF EVENTS TO TAKE PLACE. To create anything you FIRST must have a vision of what you want to manifest. Individuals are willing to release self-limiting beliefs when they have a clear vision of what will replace it. A vision of a garden is needed to motivate one to clear out the weeds, stumps, rocks etc from a plot of land. Creating a vision for what one wants requires a willingness to explore what is important to you. There is a distinct similarity between what we all want and desire: clean air, clean water, and a healthy growing environment. The message to change our behavior will come from our children. They are not tied to old beliefs.

Our Intention is to enhance human commitment and resources for preserving life upon our planet, home. to become more conscious of the communality of our fate. to motivate sustained action on behalf of all beings. to build trust and a deeper sense of community with our fellow humans. to prepare together for action in defense of Earth and future generations.

Having read the above curriculum it seemed clear to me that Mitchell is a Peacemaker and he ought to be working with the IAEWP.

I suggested to Mitchell that he might work through our organization as the Chancellor of the Province of Ontario, and Mitchell accepted, understanding that we had no bureaucracy, no politics, and no budget in our organization.

That was the beginning. Since that time Mitchell has held a number of titles within our organization, and has performed all tasks without personal reward, but at the highest level one could hope for. His positions have included:

* National Chancellor of Canada
* UN Special Envoy
* Human Rights Education Coordinator
* Assistant to the President
* Vice President of North American Affairs
* Program Director for a Culture of Peace (current position)

I first met Mitch personally in 1992 when he traveled to Malta to meet other members of our organization at our Sixth World Congress. There Mitchell presented an updated version of 'The Last One' in video format, and introduced his educational curriculum (The Vision Changer Project) to other members of our organization. I know that Mitchell made several friends at this conference on whom he had quite an impact. Both Master Il Seu Bong (UN Special envoy and Buddhist Priest of high regard, now deceased), and Dr. Ricardo Velasquez befriended Mitchell at this conference.

Dr. Velasquez invited him to Panama, where he and his ideas were well-received by the Panamanian people. It is my understanding that a Photo story was presented to the President of Panama later that year.

At our Seventh World Congress, held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1994, Mitchell was awarded the Il Boong Award of World Peace by Master Seu himself (3). It was at this Conference that Mitchell introduced the booklet “The Conspiracy to Change the World – or How To Become a Global Citizen” (4). This booklet contains many ideas for social change based upon the ideas of many global education leaders. My wife Sherry suggested that this was one of the best booklets she had ever read; a statement not to be taken lightly. This booklet was also presented as a prelude to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations and the Great Millennium Campaign. At this Conference Mitchell presented a paper on the 'Global Irreducible Perspective' (5), an outline of global thinking modalities in order to achieve global change.

Later that year. Mitchell presented a video greeting of leaders in global thinking (Global Voices from Canada) to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations in San Francisco.

At our 1996 - IAEWP Eight World Congress in Split, Croatia Mitchell set the groundwork for a twenty first century society that will be characterized by peace ... through the development of the International Peace Cities 2000 Program. This addresses the question “What does it take to make a City of Peace?”. (6) The International Peace City program is being integrated into the implementation strategy for a Culture of Peace.

Historically, City States organized themselves into Nation States for mutual protection, to preserve their cultural heritage and to create security for the individual. Nation States have grown large and powerful, and have ignored the sensitivities of the individual which has given them their power and influence. Each city, through its inhabitants, by referendum or other process, will determine a meaning for an International Peace City.

The International Peace City 2000 Project


To create a vehicle of social change through the mayors' office using the good offices of the International Association of Educators for World Peace through its World Citizenship Challenge and the website, culminating in world-wide events in the Year 2000 at the millennium complex in Greenwich England coincide with the Tenth World Peace congress of the IAEWP and other special events.

The IPC Programs asks the question: 'What are the qualities of an International Peace 2000 City' of citizens of the world. This program was officially launched at the United Nations Peace Day September 16th 1997.

One of the qualities of an International Peace City is the celebration of particular events:

They are designated under the IPC 2000 label - FOOD FOR THOUGHT

March 21st - Spring Equinox - Earth Day - Peace the 21st
March 22nd - World Water Day
April 7th - World Health Day
April 22nd - The other Earth Day
May 15th - International Families Day
June 5th - World Environment Day
June 21st - Summer Equinox - World Peace and Prayer Day
August 9th - World Indigenous Peoples Day
September (Third Tuesday) - International Peace Day
September 21st - Fall Equinox - Peace the 21st
October 24th - United Nations Day
December 21st - Winter Equinox - Peace the 21st
December 31st - World Healing Meditation

Of course there are many more days to celebrate, and every community will choose to celebrate these days in such fashion as their local community chooses. Would it not be wonderful to have a celebration for every day in the calendar? The choice is up to you, on your street, in your city, in your province, in your region, in your country, on the planet we share which is called by world citizens - HOME.

As it turned out, all of these achievements were background work for what was to come.

Mitchell went out on a search for knowledge and wisdom in order to have a larger effect through the activity of the IAEWP. He tells the story of being at the United Nations and hearing UNICEF arguing over a small allocation (under $10K) to the country of Oman. They had reduced their death rate from 300 per thousand to 30 per thousand and were now ineligible for funding. It was the same day that the tobacco companies settled for $368 billion. Recognizing this absurd situation caused Mitchell to challenge the Executive Director of UNICEF to obtain sufficient funds to run the UNICEF organization. From that moment on, Mitchell has been dedicating his time and energy to bringing forth a solution to this fundamental world problem—how to fund Civil Society more effectively.

Mitchell has attended many forums and conferences either presenting papers or performing inspiring ceremonies such as the planting of the Tree of Peace. He performed this ceremony in such varied locations as Korea, Toronto, Brasilia, Barcelona, Mexico, and Greenwich, England. Presentations he has given include a formal education paper on the subject of the program of the 1% Solution as well as other educational modeling in the 21st Century. Mitchell’s writings and presentations vary in substance, but all present a clear understanding of the human dilemma, taking people right to the doorway of their own transformation. All his activity is reflected on the following web site: Coming from the “old school” as it were, I was not truly aware of the large impact that Mitchell’s work was having until recently (November 2001) when I was presenting a paper in the Phillipines where I gave two lectures, which included videotapes and a forum discussion. In each lecture I was told by some that they enjoyed seeing the web site and wanted to congratulate the one responsible for it. And you know what? This was their own initiative. I did not say one word on the web site, which proves that they already knew about it for quite a time now. The very good news is that over here in the Philippines they already knew of the web site even before my arrival. I feel virtually sure that most teachers and students around the world are already aware of the web site, even though such people were never linked with us.

While in Korea, Mitchell made quite an impression on one of the great peacemakers of our time. Dr. Young Seek Choue has not only endorsed his program, but has promised to support him 'in every possible and necessary way' (7). It was at Dr. Young Seek Choues’ Kyung Hee University conference, 'Will World Peace be Achievable in the 21st Century,' that Mitchell presented his paper, 'Education as the Cornerstone for World Peace in the 21st Century—What do we Teach?' (8).

In Brasilia he impressed Jose de Paivo Netto who has invited him back to perform the tree planting ceremony that inspired so many of the people there. (9)

During his travels, Mitchell has also acquired the support of T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen, a high profile Tibetan educator who has the unique distinction of being able to go back and forth to Tibet because he was able to make peace with the Chinese. Mitchell and Lama Gangchen have developed a respectful relationship and Mitchell sees the Spiritual Forum that Lama Gangchen has been championing since 1995 as being the organizing body for the spend and control function of the 1% Solution.

I recently recommended the 1% Solution to the World Futures Study Federation and this body of individuals, with great foresight granted an Award to the program. (10)

During his exploration period of 1000 days Mitchell worked with volunteers and support networks around the world , each assisting in their own way. He has now developed a relationship with Netaid which brings a whole new dimension to our volunteer activities. Our volunteer organization is now translating the Culture of Peace information into many of the world’s languages. Russian, German, Spanish, French, Arabic and others. The web site that has been developed to date consists of over 2000 pages of educational information and curriculum program. There are a number of interesting components, including Accelerated Learning Techniques. These techniques will be expanded upon by the volunteer network in a variety of formats, and the plan is to use the internet to be a delivery system for these pedagogical advances. Our IAEWP organization will use the web site as a focal point. The site it is intended to become a repository for elements of educational excellence world wide as well as the BRAND LABEL logo of the 1% solution. The implications of Convergence of all media and society through the internet, utilizing education transformation, business transformation, social transformation, and spiritual transformation is being actualized.

The site is in a state of re-design by many volunteers from around the world and will be developed as we move our implementation strategy forward. We have involved over 30 countries in our Internet volunteer program and this program is less than three months old.

Near the end of his 1000 day voyage Mitchell ran into Frederico Mayor Zaragoza in Barcelona. Frederico Mayor heard two phrases from Mitchell—global tax and brand label—and it was enough to make him invite Mitchell to play a role in the inaugural event of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace, held in Madrid in December of 2000. Mitchell attended the event and received support for his ideas from Frederico Mayor Zaragoza, Boutros Boutros Ghali, and many others at the conference. The formal program (11) has been endorsed by many of the world’s great peacemakers.

Boutros Ghali, in his role as Secretary General of the Organization de la Francophonie has indicated his institutional support in a video interview.

With this wealth of support from prestigious individuals and organizations devoted to world peace, Mitchell is now in the position to bring the implementation strategy for a Culture of Peace forward. The implementation plan was presented at our Tenth World Congress in Greenwich England this past July (12). Our launch event was postponed due to the events of September 11th, and we are rethinking the strategy for this event in these new times. We have shifted the launch date to June 21, 2002, which is World Peace and Prayer Day. I believe the Navarra Award will assist in making this launch a greater success, with farther-reaching influence.

I trust you will reward the efforts of my associate Mitchell Gold for his past efforts and consider how you might be involved in the future efforts beyond the awarding of this prestigious award. We invite you to join others on our Advisory Board to use your skills and talents to assist in the process.

It is in the process that we will be successful. It will not be up to one individual. That said, I can think of no other that is more deserved of this distinguished award. I am reminded of what I wrote to Mitchell when he brought the award program to my attention - 'you do deserve it 100%. It's that simple.'

Peace, and good luck in your deliberations.


Referenced information:

1. Video - The Last One -
2. Curriculum - Vision Changer Project –
3. Photo Master Il Bong Seu World Peace Award Presentation, the Vision Changers Launch at Skydome 1991, and blessings of an Elder in Edmonton on Mitchells’ 1000 day Peacemaker voyage.
4. Booklet - The Conspiracy – How to Become a Global Citizen
5. International Peace City 2000 Program document
6. Paper – Global Irreducible Perspective
7. Letter from Dr. Young Seek Choue
8. Paper: Education as the Cornerstone for World Peace in the 21st Century
9. Photos – Planting the Tree of Peace Brasilia, Lama Gangchen, Jose de Paivo Netto
10. The 1% Solution – Presentation to WFSF –500 word outline
11. Program for a Culture of Peace – endorsed document
12. Implementation Strategy Presentation -

Non referenced Information:


1. World Future Studies Federation – for creating futures conscious organizations and communities
2. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement – Presenting Madrid documents
3. IAEWP – Appointment – United Nations Plenipotentiary Envoy
4. Institute for International Relations and InterCultural Studies Alabama A&M
5. Diploma In International Relations
6. Fountain of Universal Peace Award – IAEWP
7. United Nations – ECOSOC - Commission on Sustainable Development
8. YMCA – Toronto – recognition ad Peacemaker
9. YMCA – Toronto –1998 – Peace Medallion nomination
10. World Peace Academy – acknowledgement


11. All educators formal and informal are Educators for Peace
12. All educators for Peace will shift buying habits to support 1% solution
13. Greenwich Mean Line will be referred to as Greenwich Peace Line
14. Governments encouraged to establish Department of Peace – 1% of Defence Budget


15. Planetary Citizens – Donald Keys – “value upgrading”
16. Spruce Glen Public School – S Harris – “content”
17. B. Ministry of Colleges and Universities – Walter Pitman – “relevance”
18. Hazel Henderson – “out of the box thinking”
19. Santa – a real Santa Claus – volunteer assistance
20. Mayor Mel Lastman – acknowledgement sample document
21. Global Education Brochure – Mitchell Gold
22. Canadian Jewish News – Boutros Ghali and program publicity
23. Tree of Peace acknowledgement - historical photo

Additional Papers and Materials

24. Volunteer letter and questionaire
25. Peacemaker Train the Trainer and Workshop Documents
26. Presentation Brief to International Commission on Education for the 21st Century (Delors Commission)
27. Presentation to the Foundation for a Culture of Peace – A New Moral Contract
28. A Business Plan for the 1% Solution