OK, let's say something's bothering you.

Now, for the record, when we are bothered, we are reacting, not acting.

Reacting indicates we are not in a productive state, we are just reacting to something someone has said or done, or to our perception of what they have said or done.

We *don't* want to be a re-acter. We want to be in charge of our states, our re-actions. This is a technique you can use and it only takes four steps.

Step one -- Play the scene in your mind that's bothering you. Watch it unfold. Watch as others in the scene, *if* there are others in the scene, react to you and what you are doing. Watch until everything that was bothering you about the scene is played out, exactly as it was.

Step two -- Now, change the scene. Have someone else play you, someone who can do it better.

Watch as they enact the whole scene perfectly. Notice that that person isn't bothered at all by what is going on. And what is going on is the same thing that was going on in the first scenario. The only difference is, this person is better at situations like this than you are. In fact, they are excellent. Watch and learn.

Step three -- Now, look at the scene -- with you once again as the actor -- only this time you're seeing it through your spouse's eyes or your mom's or dad's eyes. *Someone who loves you and looks at you through different eyes.* Oh, my. Didn't you shine? Wasn't there something special about that scene?

Step four -- Now, same scene, but this time you're seeing it through an observer's eyes. Boy, doesn't that put it in a whole new perspective? Might have even been boring or a *so-what?* type of a situation.

All done. Wasn't that fantastic? Doesn't it change things for you? Doesn't it maybe tell you that nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so? Congratulations. You may now move on with your life. Remember, if you take the time and effort to change your view of reality, your brain will put in the time and effort to make your reality become your view.

Take this NLP Technique of the Week and use it to your advantage. See all the great things you can bring into your life, and share that knowledge with others.

Copyright 2001, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Learn unique strategies and techniques for personal success from Jan Tincher online at http://www.TameYourBrain.com If you would like to subscribe to her free weekly e-zine, click now: Mailto:tameyourbrain-subscribe@listbot.com

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Learn unique strategies and techniques for personal success
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