As the warm weather comes nearer and nearer, it is important to remind ourselves that caring for ours dogs in the spring and summertime is different than the way we care for them in the fall and winter seasons. The weather gets hot and humid, and there are gorgeous days and dangerously hot days. Here are a few warm weather tips for caring for your pet this summer.

Watch your carefully dog for signs of heatstroke. If you like to let your pup roam around in the fenced in backyard during the day, it is important to keep an eye on Spot. In the summer, it can sometimes be easy for your dog to overheat and succumb to heatstroke. To prevent this, make sure your dog has plenty of shade, no matter what time of day it is. Also, make sure they always have a relatively cool supply of water so they won’t become dehydrated as well.

Keep your pet inside if the day is particularly hot. It is better for you and your dog if you simply don’t let them outside unless they need to ‘do their business.’ You don’t want to risk your dog getting dehydrated or suffering from heatstroke. If you must, keep your dog in their crate, as long as it is inside the house.

If you take your pup along for a quick ride, never leave them in the car! Cars can quickly heat up in the summer sun, and your pup will have no escape. Don’t try cracking open the windows; it simply doesn’t let in enough cool air and let out enough hot air. If you’d like to take your pup with you, make sure you bring along a family member or friend who can stand with the dog outside. Otherwise, leave Fido at home.

Keep your pet well groomed. If your dog has thick and matted hair, each time your pup goes outside their thick and tangled coat will trap the heat and make it uncomfortable and maybe even unbearable for your dog. Depending on your dog’s breed, you may want to shave the coat all together. Otherwise, simply make it a habit to get your dog groomed regularly throughout the summer, and remember to brush their coat thoroughly on a daily basis.

Keep your pet well hydrated, whether they are inside or out. Even humans seem to get more thirsty when it is hot outside, even if they haven’t stepped outdoors except to get the morning mail. Make sure your dog’s water dish is filled with water, and if it is outside, make sure it stays cool and clean as well.

We all love summertime, but most of all we love our pets. Take care this summer, and make sure your pet it kept cool, well groomed, hydrated, and healthy. It will make your pet happier, and you will be able to thoroughly enjoy the lazy summer days with your best friend this coming summer.

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Article provided by Pet Super Store a site featuring:bark control collars, electric dog fences and dog training collars.