*Hoodia Gordonii - The Ancient Appetite Suppressant*

Many people think that Hoodia Gordonii is a new discovery. Well, it is...kind of. Hoodia Gordonii may be relatively new to us, but not to the ancient tribes who live in South Africa. These people live in the Kalahari Desert and have been using hoodia for quite some time (over two thousand years).

And we think of ourselves as being scientifically advanced. Yet we are the ones who have been using drugs that have harmful (even dangerous) side affects, while the ancient South African Tribes of the Kalahari Desert have been using a safe and natural appetite controller for more than two thousand years.

*Where Do We Get Hoodia?*

The remarkable Hoodia Gordonii plant is found in the wilderness of the South African Desert. Hoodia is a succulent plant that retains water in dry conditions, much like a cactus does.

The desert tribes made good use of hoodia gordonii, especially on long trips, when they new that food would be in short supply. They would bring some hoodia plants with them. Then when they would get hungry and no food was around, they would just nibble on the hoodia plant and they would be good to go for hours to come. They used the hoodia plant whenever there was no food, which was often, to get them by without feeling hungry.

Pretty good. They would get hungry, nibble on a little hoodia, and hunger is suppressed. No damage to the body and no bad side affects...and the price was right (completely free)!

*Hoodia Makes Its Way To The Modern World*

It wasn't until 1937 that Hoodia Gordonii was finally discovered by the modern world. A Dutch anthropologist, who was studying the nomadic tribes of Southern Africa, noticed that these nomadic hunters ate the hoodia plant when they had little or no food and water. Trying it himself, he found that the plant did not taste good and concluded that it would not be acceptable for our modern taste buds. As a result, modern science has developed pills from the same plant that suppresses the appetite, but without the bad flavor.

It wasn't until 1963 that a study of the hoodia gordonii plant was set in motion by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. It was an organized study, which found that laboratory animals that were fed hoodia lost weight consistently.

Since that time, progress has crawled forward. Sometime in the 1990's, scientists in South Africa convinced Phytopharm, a British pharmaceutical company, to develop Hoodia. They were able to isolate and identify 'P57', which is the active molecule in Hoodia Gordonii that suppresses the appetite.

Hoodia gordonii is a plant that thrives in high temperatures, and it takes four to five years for the plant to mature sufficiently for harvesting. Therefore, creating and building Hoodia Gordonii plantations in South Africa, where the climate is perfect for this plant, has become the focus.

*It Actually Does What It Is Supposed To*

There are some things you should know about hoodia gordonii. First of all, hoodia does work. However, this appetite suppressant does not work the same for everyone. Some people will notice a difference in their appetite almost immediately. Other people will not notice their appetites being suppressed for one or two weeks (usually not more).

Hoodia gordonii works. But I think that the greatest thing about it is that it works without the side affects of the other less natural products on the market. If you have tried losing weight and are not satisfied with the results, or if you are just starting out, hoodia gordonii may be for you.

Author's Bio: 

Claude Anthony's FREE Health Secrets Weekly Newsletter shares the secrets of healthy people. Sign up today and receive 3 FREE GIFTS at his Hoodia Gordonii Info Site. Click here for more Hoodia Gordonii History or click http://hoodiasupersite.com .