Alcohol is the most commonly recognized drug worldwide, and is accepted anywhere and everywhere. Alcohol abuse and or addiction will lead to very serious life threatening problems, both physically and psychologically. Of course a major problem of alcohol abuse is drunk driving. According to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), a study in Canada showed between 1999 and 2006:

  • 9,698 people died from drunk driving
  • 572,187 people were injured due to drunk driving
  • 13,000 people died due to drunk driving within the USA in 2007

This may not seem like massive numbers, yet the impact a death has due to drunk driving is unexplainable and it pours over to both those involved and those experiencing the loss.

Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism, which will cause further health risks. Such as:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Pancreatitis
  • Epilepsy
  • Alcoholic Dementia
  • Heart disease
  • Higher risk of cancer
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Death

Withdrawing from large amounts of alcohol can potentially be life threatening, causing a person to go through:

  • Anxiety
  • Life threatening seizures
  • Delirium Tremors
  • Hallucinations
  • Shakes
  • Possible heart failure

Any alcoholic beverage will most likely contain ethanol (alcohol) a mind-altering drug with severe depressant effects. Alcohol can be classified under three types: beer, wine and spirits, each made differently either fermented or distilled and having different ethanol (alcohol) percentages based on this process

Effects of Alcohol:

  • Slurred Speech
  • Clumsiness
  • Delayed Reflexes
  • Lowered blood sugar
  • Poisoning

If you know someone struggling with alcohol problems, contact Narconon right away.

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Author's Bio: 

Narconon is a residential drug and alcohol treatment center. We deliver effective rehabilitation for drug and or alcohol addiction. We also are greatly involved within the community and the province spreading the message, "The truth about drugs", through drug education and prevention lectures. Visit our website here