I know what you are thinking right now.

How should a mirror help me to become successful? Is that possible at all?

Well, I can tell you it is possible!

Let me explain what you have to do.

Everyday, for the next 28 days, stand before a big mirror and with the following exercise, learn not only to program your mind for success, but also learn to speak the body language of successful people.

Stand up straight, smile at yourself, look right into your eyes and say the following affirmations aloud and with *power of persuasion*:

"I have big goals!"

"Everything that should appear before me finds its purpose in my thoughts!"

"A thought, a visualization whose realization I diligently follow, has eventually to become true!"

"I know what I want!"

"I know it exactly and I can visualize every detail!"

"Why should I not be able to accomplish more than others thought me capable of doing?"

"I will accomplish my goals for sure!"

"I believe in myself and in what I'm doing just as much as the big achievers had to believe in themselves!"

"Nobody can stop me on my way to great success - NOBODY!"

"I am able to accomplish anything I really want to - it’s easy and fun!"

In the beginning you might feel strange and somewhat shy looking at yourself and "talking to yourself."

But believe me, after a few days you will love this simple exercise; you will gain self-confidence, and you will begin to believe in yourself and your affirmations.

So, everyone of you who is looking for an easy, yet powerful method to increase their success potential should do this valuable exercise *constantly* over a longer period of time.

Love yourself and your goals, and luck and success will stay faithful to you!

Author's Bio: 


Thomas J. Stevens, the author of this article,can be reached at http://www.ultimatesuccesstips.com His web site is dedicated to those companies and individuals who are still seeking Success and Fulfillment in their business and private life. You can also subscribe to his free weekly*Success Tutorial* and getting the chance to win a gift worth $3,500. Just send blank email. mailto:optin1@ultimatesuccesstips.com
