Feeling a little sluggish these days? Having trouble focusing on
what needs to get done? Fed up with dragging around ten
tons of useless baggage?

Clutter happens! Not only in tucked away closets or out-of-
the-way basements, but in your heart. When the heart is stagnant
your energy is on empty.

In the heart, cobwebs go undetected! Dark corners of your heart are secret
places where fearful thoughts, painful memories, and regrets
build up. Bit by bit your vital life force drains out some unseen opening.
Confusion replaces alert clear thinking. You are not
present to those you love.

It's time to clean house.

Here are a few tips to renew, re-energize and revitalize your life!

-Throw out those tired worn-out beliefs about your
potential, your talents and gifts that no longer fit. Ask
yourself, Why am I holding on to that limiting belief? What
game am I playing to stay small?

- Scrub away that long-ago hurt you feed with old
movies of how you loved and lost; didn't get what you wanted;
it just wasn't fair. Notice how much time is spent in the past?
Accept what happened; let go, and become present.

- Unburden your heart and let the fresh breeze of compassion and
forgiveness blow away the dirt and grime of guilt and regret from withholding love.
Again, check inside. Who am I punishing, really? and at what cost?

-Don't forget to wash those windows - to the soul.
Let your eyes gaze with clarity and truth on self-defeating behaviors that
no longer serve you. Where does your need to control blur your
actions? What addictive patterns are running you? Make a conscious
choice today to see with new eyes.

Cleaning up your internal environment renews your spirit.

The inner heart space sparkles with enthusiasm.

Energy returns to fuel fresh insights.

The slate is wiped clean.

Take a deep breath and allow gratitude and appreciation for this
moment to fill all the spaces that have been cleared with a self-

and then…

Relax, have a seat, put up your feet and pat yourself on the back.
Job well done!

Author's Bio: 

Rebecca Skeele, President of Make It Heaven LLC, is a coach, counselor and professional facilitator and speaker. Her professional course, Becoming a Spiritual Scientist: A Course for Cocreators will be offered Fall 2009 in Santa Fe. NM. For complete information visit www.makeitheavenllc.com or http://www.spiritual-scientist.com