Human Solution begin with Clarity for Energetic Reality
The 21st Century began, appropriately, with the Year of the Dragon (from the Chinese calendar), which symbolizes getting rid of everything that no longer serves you in your life. It began a time of massive change in our world, challenging us to live as consciously and effectively as possible for our Spirit’s purpose.
Rapid change multiplies stress and necessitates great personal clarity about who we are and how we really function. We all must play this game of life and, as in any other game there are no points for defense, and our ability to score points and win depends on how well we know and follow the rules. In other words, in order to win, we must live (make decisions & take actions) consciously.
This means knowing, in the moment, the rules or descriptive Laws of energy so that we eventually come to live by them instinctively. We must know how the Laws work for or against us, in the short and long term. Understanding this bigger picture within this game of life, and applying it to our own personal life and bodily functions, generates superior health and a more meaningful existence.
Consciousness is the equivalent of personal clarity, efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. It allows us to make clear decisions more quickly because we can see the outcome of our decisions before we make them. This saves the stress and heartache of inappropriate decisions creating continual chaos.
Living consciously enables us to more accurately process our experiences so that we make decisions that keep us moving forward positively in our lives. If we are not making healthy decisions, then we tend to be either moving backwards or in circles, which will eventually manifest as specific physical health problems and dysfunction in our life.
Consciousness is what it takes to be true to our Spirit so we can manifest our divine intent and make our unique contribution to the world. Who we really are and what we make of our life depends entirely upon our degree of consciousness. And this process can be defined as how much processing time we need to clearly perceive a problem and apply the perfect solution to eliminate it.
Our most basic solution to human problems involves clearly seeing and understanding who we are in terms of our Spirit, and how our Spirit Life-force energy relates to our physical, emotional and mental functioning. Once we are clear on these points, we can more easily understand the real issues facing us. We realize that our problems come from not seeing clearly, and effectively dealing with, the fact that memory programs our Life-force energy into emotional and physical effects—which can be either problems or solutions. Thus, the only real solution to any problem lies in more clearly understanding that problem in terms of its underlying subtle energy cause.
With this in mind, we see how and why our basic survival programming of instinctual fear severely constrains the fulfillment of our Spirit. Yet, in order to override this powerful unconscious programming, we must face it consciously. Only then can we gain conscious control over its decision-making power. And this ability to consciously control our normally unconscious decision-making process enables us to direct our actions from the present, rather than from the past (acting from projected unconscious reactions to uncleared trauma memory).
Once we begin to see ourselves from a subtle energy perspective, our personal insights become greatly refined, expanded and clarified, beyond the physiological perspectives of most current health practices. As a result, we gain a much more complete and integrated view of who we are and how we operate.
When our Spirit Life-force energy flow is blocked by trauma memory, however, health problems result. This is because the energy flow to/from our organs and glands short-circuits when our decisions are controlled by our unconscious memory of trauma.
Just like the mythical dragons that acted as fierce guardians of important places in ancient times, the ‘dragons’ unleashed by our trauma memory act as survival mechanisms that attempt to protect us from a perceived threat. Although such threats are rarely real, our ‘dragons’ cause us to make automatic unconscious decisions, based on projecting past traumas into the present, that overrides conscious decisions based in the present reality of the moment.
These survival mechanisms provide quick, short-term solutions, but create long-term problems. When our fears control our behavior, the result is a draining of our organ/gland energy, causing disease, disorder, dysfunction and degeneration. So fear limits our discrimination and expression of our divine intent and purpose.
This process is clearly revealed through the infrared scanning of the natural circuits of energy flow patterns. When we can see our programmed blocks, which act as a ‘drag’ on our Spirit Life-force energy flow, we have the opportunity to create a more functional outcome by making clearer decisions quicker. The amazing insights (Ah-Ha’s) gained in the process make us conscious of our unconscious programming, enabling us to clear energy circuits blocking quick creative ideas that express our true feelings and provide us with our emotional powers and abilities.
This article is from Dr. Allen’s new and soon to be published eBook entitled: CONSCIOUSNESS: The Only Elegant Solution, and will soon be available at: & You may contact Dr Allen at 208-678-6955.
Dr Allen taught a college course on the “Psychology of Consciousness” at Boise State University in the late 70’s and has since pursued a deeper understanding of this fascinating and increasingly relevant topic.
For the past 21 years he has worked with 1000s of clients using a computerized infrared scanner that tracks electrical energy flow patterns between a client’s organs and glands, and then decode these energy flow patterns into the unconscious decisions that are creating the problems in their life, body, business & relationships. Organ/Gland consciousness is a refined awareness of each organ/gland’s specific purpose, plan, function, issues and trauma. Traumas to these O/G functions program ‘drag on’ Spirit Life-force energy flow that creates mental, emotional and physical health and life problems.
These ideas are discussed more fully in Dr. Allen’s soon to be published eBook, entitled “Consciousness: The Only Elegant Solution.
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