If you ever plan on being mega successful, powerful and masterful in your finances, career, business, relationships and life in the world today, Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is something you absolutely have to pay attention to. Coaching today is not a lucrative endeavour, it is a highly lucrative endeavour on both sides of the fence, be it if you are getting coached or you are coaching.
The fact is that the benefits of Masterful Transformational Coaching™ are too numerous to list comprehensively. Yet from experience I will endeavour to give you a flavour of what you can achieve out of getting yourself or your organization to experience Masterful Transformational Coaching™.
Let’s face the truth…
As the world has become highly integrated it has grown smaller, markets have become bigger and competition has gone through the roof. Continuous personal development is highly advantageous in what is becoming an increasingly competitive world. Reading self-improvement articles, books and attending numerous self-awareness seminars are no longer a “good to do” or “I’ll see if I can do”, they are an absolute “must do” to gain a competitive edge. Yet the effects of the above are short lived, incomplete and in some cases not in your best interest. I’ll explain why…
If you do not follow up what you have become aware of through an article, a book or a 1 to 3 day seminar what good was that really to you? Many people have suggested to me that they read articles and books and attend seminars and they are happy to learn and apply 1 to 2 point or 1 to 2 % and what was covered, saying that 1 to 2% applied would be worth their while. My question is why not learn and apply closer to a 100 points and a 100% instead? The truth is that articles, books, seminars and workshops are not designed to get you close to a 100%. Masterful Transformational Coaching™ however is…
Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is far more effective than any article, book, seminar and workshop you could ever read or do because it catalyses the power of Inquiry & Insights, Inspiration & Impact, Integration & Internalization and Involvement & Investment. As you read deeply allow me to elaborate.
Inquiry & Insights
Masterful Transformational Coaching™ will place you in an inquiry into your preconceived notions, assumptions, set mind, filters, blocks and blind spots that have knowingly or unknowingly been holding you back or preventing you form accelerating at the rate you should.
Masterful Transformational Coaching™ will reveal powerful insights to you of why things are not going the way you would like them to, why your finances, career, business, relationships and life are at the level they are at and not where you would like them to be. You will also start to get aware of what you need to do and what it will really take for you to move up to the next levels of your finances, career, business, relationships and life.
Inspiration and Impact
Never again should you get fooled into believing that continuous motivation, “rah-rah” and “hoo-hah” is what it takes. Until and unless you are touched by the inspiration of a great vision and mission and are 100% committed to them, you will struggle even after being motivated endlessly. Masterful Transformational Coaching™ will create for you a future that inspires you and compels you upwards, onwards and forwards.
Masterful Transformational Coaching™ will immediately and repetitively impact you at the core of who you are Being. Who you are Being is the source of all your thoughts, words, action, results and ultimately determines if you will win at your finances, career, business, relationships and life or not. Until you fully and directly experience another human being’s (in this case your Masterful Transformational Coach’s) commitment to your SUCCESS, POWER and MASTERY and allow it to inspire, impact and shift you, you will always remain a pale shadow of whom you can be. Articles, books, seminars and workshops can only provide this in limited, short-lived doses while your Masterful Transformational Coach will work with you on this for prolonged, personalised and intensive periods of time. Parallel what I’ve just said with learning tennis for a year from a dear friend in a casual setting, versus from a committed professional coach who knows the ins and outs, what it will take for you to play tennis expertly and inspires you daily to be your best. All but the absolute blind will be able to tell that having a professional coach makes a world of difference. Way too many people drag themselves through a mundane life without the benefit of a master, mentor, guide or coach which in itself can explain why they have a mundane and mediocre existence as opposed to a magnificent life.
Integration & Internalization
If there is no full integration of what you have learnt, if you do not have a completely-fitted tight picture and instead are left with some or many floating fragmented thoughts, you will not have the absolute conviction and impetus to move forward powerfully, as inevitably, you will experience being the victim of varying levels of doubt. This point is going to require some explanation and possibly some convincing so read on at a deeper level still. Allow me to use this article to illustrate this very important point. There are bound to be a few if not many things that I am covering in this article that you either will not be able to fully assimilate and integrate into your paradigm or will have doubts and disagreements about. And there is nothing wrong with that, as it is just the way people’s learning experiences with words are, be it in an article or book. Let’s explore an example… Unless you have the benefit of having a dialogue with me personally to clarify, specify and explore all the areas you need to, you may not be able to fully integrate all the knowledge available through this article, for you to benefit from.
Here is another example of the consequences of the lack of integration. Many people after attending “life-changing” seminars and workshops will for years “float” around, having been “fragmented” contrary to their best desires and not be able to, no matter how hard they try, implement the learnings of the seminar and workshop to the degree they need to. What causes this unfortunate phenomenon in numerous “life-changing” seminars and workshops? The evidence points to the lack of integration! Unfortunately most seminars and workshops are not designed to integrate real business, relationships and life learning in your real world (they do it in an artificially-created seminar and workshop environment) at the levels necessary for people to powerfully and clearly act upon. It is simply not part of their value proposition and revenue model. Masterful Transformational Coaching™ on the other hand if you choose to, is absolutely designed for clarification, specification and exploration such that you can fully apply and integrate learnings everyday, in your real business, relationships and life practically, such that you move forward powerfully, immediately.
Internalization is a function of taking massive immediate action on what has been learnt and thereafter openly examining the results gotten such that correction can be done to achieve the desired outcome. It is through action, correction and experience that one internalizes, not intellectualization which is the hallmark of article, books, seminars, workshops and the know-it-alls. After all, what are the chances of you gaining sustainable transformation and enlightenment simply by reading a book or hearing what someone has to say at a seminar without experiencing it first hand for yourself? A slim chance or no chance whatsoever? Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is all about internalization as the coach works with you putting the knowledge gained into relevant immediate action, correcting it till you achieve your win and ultimately develop competencies that will last a lifetime. This can only happen through Masterful Transformational Coaching™.
Can you fully get these simple and powerful points I am putting across to you? If you can, we are doing extraordinary and exceptionally work together. If you can’t, it only strengthens the value of Masterful Transformational Coaching™ as opposed to articles, books, seminars and workshops.
Involvement & Investment
Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is all about gaining your involvement and keeping you fully engaged. You can participate in a seminar or workshop and passively read an article or book, but in Masterful Transformational Coaching™ you have to be fully involved. The relationship in Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is one-to-one due to the methodology and technology of education. At DifferWorld I amalgamated our own proprietary Learning Energy Technology™ (which is gaining massive interest from established educational and government bodies) and it is the foundation for Masterful Transformational Coaching™ and all the other courses we run. It is designed to keep you fully involved for long hours, at exponential levels of learning, at greater depths, breaths and heights than you have ever experienced before. Learning Energy Technology™ took an entire year to appreciate and develop, was a gifted masterstroke and something I am personally very grateful for. Until there is an absolutely committed relationship to a desired outcome and a fully unadulterated involvement in a project or task there is virtually no possibility of winning.
A magnificent return on investment is the fruit of the labour, called involvement. Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is investment based as you set you targets and goals before hand and the main focus of Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is to up your competencies and performance for you to achieve your targets profitably. Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is a corporate, executive and life activity you can engage in and predetermine your desired return of investment. No other educational format does that – not articles, not books, not seminars and not even traditional training.
Now that you can get a sense of the unique power of Masterful Transformational Coaching™ please review the benefits the world’s media has identified when it comes to the world of coaching…
CNN.com - "Once used to bolster troubled staffers, coaching now is part of the standard development training for elite executives and talented up-and-comers."
The Harvard Business Review - "The goal of coaching is the goal of good management - to make the most of an organization’s valuable resources."
Money Magazine - "The benefits of coaching appear to win over even the most cynical of clients within just a few weeks."
The Wall Street Journal - "THE EXECUTIVE says his fears disappeared when his supervisor described the proposed coaching as an opportunity ‘to get some outside points of view on what we do’."
Newsweek Magazine - "Part consultant, part motivational speaker... coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals."
Interesting, isn’t it?
So now that you are clearer still on the benefits Masterful Transformational Coaching™ can deliver to you, are you willing to realize your potential more successfully than you ever thought was possible? Are you willing to powerfully transform your life and design your destiny masterfully? Are you willing to make your impossible possible? If your answer is “yes” to any of the above questions for yourself and also your organization, you are ready to reap the benefits of Masterful Transformational Coaching™. Welcome to the revolution!
The author, Manoj Sharma is the Founder and Managing Director of DifferWorld Pte Ltd - a People Potentialization, Education and Development Company headquartered in Singapore.
Mr. Sharma is also the Creator of KNOWING – A Transformational Experience™, KNOWING The Principles of Money™ and Masterful Transformational Coaching™, amongst other transformational works.
To find out more about how you can get a Diploma in Coaching or how coaching enhance your organizations profitability please call (65) 6338 KNOW, drop us an email at info@DifferWorld.com or go to www.DifferWorld.com now.
Also look out for Mr. Sharma’s groundbreaking new book called START WINNING NOW!
The author, Manoj Sharma is the Founder and Managing Director of DifferWorld Pte Ltd - a People Potentialization, Education and Development Company headquartered in Singapore.
Mr. Sharma is also the Creator of KNOWING – A Transformational Experience™, KNOWING The Principles of Money™ and Masterful Transformational Coaching™, amongst other transformational works.
To find out more about how you can get a Diploma in Coaching or how coaching enhance your organizations profitability please call (65) 6338 KNOW, drop us an email at info@DifferWorld.com or go to www.DifferWorld.com now.
Also look out for Mr. Sharma’s groundbreaking new book called START WINNING NOW!
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