As my journey to my awakening with my inner self I have come across many truely amazing experinces.This is a real story of a miracle that happend to me recently.

When I was being attuned and studying my Reiki master levels , learning about crystals, energy work, long distance healing etc.I had many dreams some with great messages from the other side. I seem to have a gift of communicating from my loved ones who had passed on, giving me insight to how they are doing where they are and giving me messages to tell other relatives who needed to hear from them.

After my dear mother had passed I had many dreams from her for almost 3 years, then she stopped coming into my dreams. My guess was I needed go on with my life. I don't know.

So years later not hearing from her and not dwelling on it , I was checking my emails one day and one of them I read was from John Holland on his weekly inspirational messages. John was stating that loved ones cannot just come out and talk to you but they show you signs in metaphors or happenings. Humm I though interesting I knew it but really never paid attention to till that day.

As my day progressed my step-son called asking for money , he is disabled and I have his account for his funds . So off I went to check his balance from his checking account as I was recieving my receipt of his balance out came a credit card not mine as you know the receipt slot does not take credit cards, well I was quite surprised and I started to cry when I read the name on the credit card, it was Barbra Johnston my deceased mothers name , I just enjoyed the moment and said hello mommy as tears came down my face I actually felt her hug me in that moment, it was truley beautiful, to me it was truely a miracle, what are the odds that one someone put their credit card in the wrong place , then me finding it, then having my mothers madien name on it.

Of course I returned the misplaced card to the tellers but first I had to explain the miracle, as the teller was so surprised she went and told the bank manager who then told me nobody has ever put their credit card in that slot ever, she thanked me for returning it and for my miracle story.

So you see there is messages that your loved ones send you , it is up to you to notice them.

Author's Bio: 

Lorrie Bracaloni is a Certified Holistic Practitoner is the areas of Emotional release ie: B.E.S.T , Acupressure application, essential oils raindrop therapy, herbal remedies for your health and your animal compainions, nutrition and heavy metal detox. Self Published author of a Pet grooming book, Pet grooming in the Home Working smarter not Harder.