Jim Carrey's movie "Yes Man" is based on the year-long adventures of a bored British Radio Producer and Comedian called Danny Wallace. A chance meeting with a stranger who advised him to "SAY YES MORE" turned Danny's life around.
I first heard about Danny and his book "Yes Man" on an NPR Radio interview a few years ago. Now there's a movie about his life!
I've been saying “YES!” to a lot of new and exciting adventures in the last couple of years, and I'm planning on continuing my trend.
How would your life change if YOU said "Yes!" more? Here are 10 questions to help you get ready to say “YES!” more in your life.
10 Questions to Ask Yourself:
1. What kinds of experiences do you need to say “YES!” to so that your life starts shifting in positive ways? Make a list. Against each item write down a feeling that you believe you could enjoy if you said “YES!” to that experience: happy, exhilarated, ecstatic, good, joyful, peaceful, etc.
2. How would you continue feeling you didn't say “YES!” more? Against each item in your list write down the feelings you would have if you didn’t say “YES!” to that experience: sad, disgusted, ashamed, numb, anxious, guilty, disappointed, angry, depressed, etc.
3. Now look at your list more closely, and pick 3 items that you feel you can change pretty quickly. Write a big green YES! near those items. Are you REALLY READY to make these changes?
4. So you’re ready with an Action Plan for Change. Great! What is your Action Plan? Write down the steps you need to take, and the time frame in which you will complete each one.
5. It would help to have a team of people supporting you in saying “YES!” more. Who are your Team Members? Make a list.
6. What kinds of help do you need to help you manifest a particular YES! goal? Make a detailed task-oriented list.
7. Which Team Member can best help you manifest a specific YES! goal? Match their strengths with your needs, and then write their name on your list in big green letters near each goal.
8. Just in case the person of your choice is not able to assist you, do you have a back-up person for each item you need help with? Write down the name of the back-up person near the goal.
9. You’re almost ready. Exciting, isn’t it? Is there any situation or person that you need to say a resounding “NO!” to in order to have the time and energy to enjoy the experiences you want to say “YES!” to? Make a second list of what and who they are, and write a big red NO! against each and every item.
10. Saying a big “NO!” every day to the items on your second list will help you create space in your life for all the wonderful things you want and need to say “YES!” to. Are you ready to say “YES!” more? Look at your first list again and put your first item into ACTION NOW!
SPECIAL OFFER! Want me on your TEAM? Mention this Special Report, and you can take 10% off my usual fees for these services:
LIFE and RELATIONSHIP COACHING can help you move forward, and create the life you WANT to live personally, professionally, and spiritually. Having a Coach on your TEAM can make a huge difference in how and easily you accomplish your goals.
VOICE MOVEMENT THERAPY (VMT) uses the voice and your personal life songs to channel emotions creatively, and enhance your wellbeing. It's fun and energizing too!
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT) teaches you how to quickly clear blocked energy so you can feel lighter, happier, relaxed, and motivated to achieve your goals.
Christine-Anne Plâtel chrisplatel@consciousconnections.com
www.consciousconnections.com * Free SKYPE calls Worldwide
Christine-Anne Platel is a Life and Relationship Coach, who also offers Voice Movement Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Technique. She empowers her clients to take very good care of themselves personally, professionally, and spiritually; focusing above all on living in integrity, so that their spirits shine!
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