On December 21, 1992, I was meditating in a chair at my house in Maine. I did this every day and had gotten pretty good at it, achieving absolute stillness with no interfering thoughts present in my mind. When I was finished, I opened my eyes as usual, not knowing that my life was about to change forever. Sitting there on my couch was an attractive looking couple who would eventually identify themselves. Over the course of the next 9 years and 17 discussions they would tell me many interesting and amazing things. They said that despite what many people think, those lifetimes as disciples were not their final ones. They also told me a great deal about spirituality and talked about their personal experiences with Y’shua, Jesus’ name before translation. They spoke from a Jewish perspective, noting that there was no such thing as Christianity two thousand years ago and that it was never J’s intention to start a religion. Wanting to set the record straight, they also explained about 20 Sayings to me from “The Gospel of Thomas” and spoke about the suppression of the truth by the church. They then went on to share the secrets of the universe and why we exist, and taught me the way to return to God, which they described as the form of “advanced forgiveness” that is also taught in the modern spiritual guide, “A Course in Miracles.” Bluntly clarifying the Course’s principles and exactly how to apply them to our everyday lives, they made a strong, clear connection between the Voice of “The Gospel of Thomas” and the Voice of the Course. They emphasized that Christianity got J wrong, and that they had come to me “as symbols whose words will help facilitate the disappearance of the universe.”

Let me emphasize that events in the book are my true experiences. I’m a messenger. That’s why I wrote the book and also pass along the details of the teachings in my workshops. The appearances by Arten and Pursah, which were Thaddaeus and Thomas’ names in their final lifetimes and which they now use as teachers stopped, at least temporarily, on December 21, 2001, nine years to the day since they first appeared to me. During that nine years they spoke hundreds of quotations from “A Course in Miracles” which are included in the book. I also tape recorded all of our conversations, except for the first, for the purpose of accuracy.

The book is having a major impact on people and their journey home to God, which is actually an awakening from our dream of separation from Him. By always following the masters’ instructions, I’ve never ceased to be amazed at how easy it was to get the book finished, published and available to the public. The first five printings sold quickly and at this writing the book has been sold to a major publisher, Hay House, which will take over on November 1st. I’m thrilled to know that what Arten and Pursah did for me is happening for others, helping to accelerate our spiritual progress to the point where the lessons of many lifetimes (which they said are really illusory dreams) are learned in just one lifetime, rendering many future incarnations unnecessary.

The enthusiasm that is being expressed for the book has been very gratifying. I’ll always be grateful to Arten and Pursah, and as far as my many new experiences are concerned, all I can say is that if you told me on the morning of December 21, 1992 that all this was going to happen, I never would have believed you!

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