When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself some really deep questions, without answering right away?
One surefire way to make the most out of your life is to let your mind open. Not open your mind. There is a difference. No, let your mind open. How do you let your mind open? You get your intuitive awareness flowing by asking yourself questions, and allowing yourself time to soak in those questions before you answer them. Often people jump to the reaction phase, skip the soak phase, and pummel the world with an all knowing knee jerk response. Which is not the product of an open mind ….
Here’s a situational example:
When faced with the opportunity to help someone you know, do you help thinking that you will receive something in return? Or do you help simply because help is needed?
Now, soak in the question. Honestly consider it, in its entirety, with time and a life of experience under your belt. (If you already answered, don’t worry about it, just keep it in mind and continue reading.)
If you helped the person simply to help and not to receive anything: How would you feel a year later if that person never, since, offered to help you in return even knowing that you are struggling with, say, health problems?
If you still think you can honestly say you wouldn’t expect to receive anything in return for your help: Would you help that same person again if they asked you to help them again? and again? and again?
Do you give to get what you need? Or do you give to give what is needed?
Very simple on the surface and upfront but, deep down where it truly counts and cannot be passed off, you might see conscience and feel pressure. Right from wrong. Is it fundamentally right to give without expecting to receive? Is it fundamentally wrong to receive without expecting to give?
It is how the world should work, but it is also how the world cannot work. At least for humans, that is.
Animals in a herd or pack give what they are capable of giving to support the herd or pack. The strong supply food and protection to those who are weak. The weak offer knowledge and guidance to those who are young. Natural selection takes care of the details.
Try this thought on: People should give without expecting to receive, for no one should have to expect what is fundamentally right. If you give you should receive. If everyone gave what they have to offer freely they would not need to expect to receive, because they would be being given to freely.
Did you just get bogged down with exceptions? Me too.
Try this instead: At the end of the day, ask your Self questions about every experience you encountered that sticks out in your mind. Why did that meeting end on a bad note? What was it about the argument in the coffee shop that bothered me so? Why do I always feel anxiety going home at night? Ask questions after you see others interacting. Ask questions of opinions you form from your perceptions. Ask questions about recurring patterns in your life.
You will find at the root of all of us, as a society, we give to get what we need as well as to give what is needed. It’s how nature works. Paradox? Maybe, maybe not. Fact? Maybe, maybe not.
The point? To make us question ourselves instead of others. If you discover paradox within your Self,… then you may let your mind open to questions regarding your Self,... then you may begin to focus on your Self,… then you might make a difference for your Self.
So, if we all question ourselves, instead of others … would the world be given what it needs?
Copyright © 2009 Rebecca Halstead
All rights reserved
Rebecca Halstead enjoys life as an Awareness & Communication Expert, Conscious Living Expert, Reiki Master, Animal Communicator, and Life Consultant. She is the author of the book series, "Get Your Self Straight", and the founder of In Touch Methods™, experience based learning techniques which teach conscious living through Awareness, Communication, and Understanding Energy.
Along with her books and free articles, Rebecca offers accelerated learning through private consults and with In Touch with Horses™ clinics. She also offers group discussion clinics, phone and email consults, and eCourses for in-home experiential learning.
Find more information, products, and services by visiting ThinkItOut.net.
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