Why are people not getting in shape, losing weight and keeping it off, and reaching their goals? It's because they're not being told the "truth" and their not being given the "facts."

The truth is that America is more overweight now than at the turn of the century because:
They consume over 200 calories a day than they should.
Technology. (THEY MOVE LESS!)
Lack of education
Lack of motivation.
That simple.

In this century people believe that they can actually "spot-reduce". Meaning, the can use (or buy) a peice of equipment to target a certain area on their body for weight loss or reduction, and they will lose inches in that area. Not!

True and effective weight loss comes off and is kept off for at least 5 years. That's the standard. If you can't keep it off for 5 years without the use of any thermogenic aide you can be assured that the weight (and moe) will return. So, not only will you be back to square one, but you will have even more pounds to deal with in you battle to lose weight. But you can take it off and keep it off. You caan do it too!

Let me first make one point clear. YOU SHOULD BE "BODYFAT" CONSCIOUS, AND NOT "WEIGHT" CONSCIOUS! NEVER, EVER CHART YOUR PROGRESS BY THE SCALE! If you chop your leg off and cut your hair you weigh less right? You can be 130 lbs. and have 37% bodyfat as well as weigh 130 lbs. and have 17% bodyfat. Make sence? The whole idea behind "ideal weight" was established with doctors by/for insurance companies. (They need to know this info in order to deny or give you a claim.)

There are three components to true and lasting bodyfat reduction:

You need to know you target heart rate and what zone to be in in order to burn calories more effectively.
Resistance/weight training.
You need as much lean muscle as possible (quantity not size) because that's where you burn calories.
Proper caloric/food intake.
You need to know how many calories you should ingest each day and what percent of those calories should come from carbohydrates, protein, and even fat.
All these should only be done with the assistance of an educated, certified or licensed, experienced professional. I don't recommend a person who neds a loan to a doctor just as I don't recommend a person with a disease to a banker. You need a true fitness professional who has a proven track record of getting people results without an off-the-wall claim or a pill. You need "education" and you need "motivation!" You can take the bodyfat off and keep it off. Yes, you can do it too!

People should be empowered to be active. We should move more! There was no majic secret to staying thin in the early 1900's. There was no secret in the 1800's either! Did the cave man worry about getting fatter? No. Why? Because he was always "moving!"

Ladies, take control of your life and you body will follow!
Stop making excuses and be responsible for your body as well as your actions. It's not your husband ar significant others problem or responsibilty. It's yours! (Remember: "You live and deal with your body every day.")
Yes, you had children and as a result you gained more bodyfat. But it's time for you to stop making excuses and and start moving! No, you're not as young anymore, and no you're not ever going to get exactly back to where you use to be. But you can either get close, beyond, or improve your health and appearance 100%!

Be mindful that exercise improves EVERY aspect of your life!
Get the "facts" and get the "truth." Remember: "You can do it too!"

Author's Bio: 

Eric Payne, over 8 years experience as a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Fitness Professional, Certified Nutritionist, Martial Artist, Motivational Speaker.