Freedom from Depression
By Shaun Davis
It is estimated that more than 3/10 have suffered or will suffer from depression at some time in there lives, the problem with low grade depression is that often those suffering from it don’t actually know that they have a problem and therefore don’t seek help. Which is a great shame. The good news with low-grade depression is that it can often be successfully treated.
Are you feeling down, for no specific reason?, or are you unable to experience pleasure or enjoyment as you once did? If this is you, then you could well be suffering from low-grade depression or dysthmia. Again the good news is that this form of depression is considered to be one of the easiest to treat.
it a good idea to see your doctor for an initial assessment, they will be able to diagnose whether you are depressed, and then discuss the range of treatments available to you. Many surgeries provide a counselling and psychotherapy service, although in my experience it is often over subscribed so there could be a bit of a waiting list.
Personally, I have always felt quite reluctant to accept prescribed anti-depressants although I understand that they can prove very effective for some people, its best to speak with your doctor to discuss the options available. However, if you are not happy with the support you are receiving from your doctor, don’t be palmed off with a prescription for medication. Get a second opinion if necessary or see a counsellor.
With low grade depression people are often able to function to some extent, albeit at a low level, on a day-to-day basis you may feel emotionally flat, tired or perhaps you feel some vague intangible sense of sadness and emptiness.
I speak from personal experience, can remember years feeling a profound sense of emptiness, nothing I did really brought me any sense of joy or pleasure. The world around me seemed grey, everyone else seemed to be having a ball, so why not me? felt incapable of experiencing any true authentic sense of happiness, although I would function on day by day basis go to work etc.
I was emotionally flat, there was none of normal ups or downs, just felt numb, as though I was in some form of emotional coma. I grew used to it, after a while, it seemed like normality, thought it was just part of my personality. So, learnt to adapt. There were brief moments of happiness, I guess as I look back, have always had quite a good sense of humour which does help. These feelings never really lasted.
Anyway one day came across an article on depression which described that these were all classic symptoms of low grade depression. Couldn’t believe it, what a relief! Thought I was the only one who felt like this, everyone else around me seemed happy! It actually has a medical name Dysthmia or chronic low grade depression.
if you can relate to this then know that you certainly are not alone. The good news is that with right treatment and support you can overcome it. There are also many things which you can do to help yourself.
Taking regular exercise is so important, and I know its probably the last thing on your mind at the moment, just do it any way, it really will help you, so just do it even if you don’t feel like it. Walking is considered to be one of best forms of exercise done regularly. Join the gym whatever, go for a swim, just do something.
Exercise really does help to lift your mood, as it will help increase the serotonin levels in your brain, which has been shown to play crucial role in our emotional wellbeing. People suffering with depression often have low levels of serotonin.
Regular exercise will also increase your sense of confidence, so get a routine, even if its just for 20minutes a day 2-3 a week you’ll feel the benefit after just a few weeks. Just try it!
Consider some of the natural anti-depressant drugs such as St Johns Wort, available at most health food shops and chemists. My doctor recommended them, apparently scientific studies have shown them to be just as effective, if not more so, than prescribed medication. the major advantage of St johns Wort is that they are not addictive and you are unlikely to suffer any unpleasant side effects, normally associated with anti-depressants, although do read the instructions carefully as I understand they can In rare circumstances cause adverse reactions.
There are some excellent books available on depression some of my favourites are by Dorothy rowe. They are all available on amazon

Author's Bio: 

Shaun Davis lives in the UK. Has experienced depression for some years, through a combination of counselling self-analysis and regular exercise has learnt to find the light at the end of tunnel. He writes on a range of subjects from holistic health, paranormal phenomena and the Internet.
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