My name is Jason and I am overweight.

I am a pretty basic guy, married 2 kids with a 9-5 job sitting in front of a computer, and that is my downfall. when I was young and my metabolism was in top shape I was always active, now I sit in front of a computer drinking way too much coffee and coming home to do chores and then bed.

I am writing this to chronicle my weight loss efforts good or bad. So as much as I hate to admit it according to my BMI and BMR I need to lose about 40-50 lbs, not good news. I spent the last few days checking the internet to see if there were any magical wonder drugs or machines I could buy to lose weight without any effort. I didn't find much that was believable, I did however find two weight loss products I consider worth giving a try Eph 200 and Proactol, both of them had some merit. I wasn't looking for miracles, just a little extra help. I have ordered both and will continue writing as soon as one arrives.

11 Days Later Well Proactol was the first to arrive, checking on my Eph 200 its sitting at the border so I should have it in a couple of days. I will start taking it Monday, I have a 4 month supply of it, it comes in need little blister packs, I thought it would be in a bottle!

Day 1 ( I will try to make these simple and to the point ) Typical day at work everybody brings in snacks and its hard to resist, drank more water than usual about 2 liters, no exercise and 3 large double milk double sugar coffees, dinner was pasta. took 7 proactol throughout the day. Day 2 Managed less snacks today and requested further coffee deliveries to be 2 milk and sweetener, drank 2 liters of water , went for a walk around the block when I got home, dinner was leftover spaghetti. 5 Proactol today.

Day 3 (still no sign of the Eph200, it still shows it at the border) Great day, we golfed at work so I got some exercise, polished off a couple of greasy sausages on the course though, drank plenty of water and a couple of beers. Skipped dinner and took 4 Proactol.

Day 4 Snacked all day fairly health muffins and some dried fruit brought, drank 3 liters of water and had a salad for dinner, also moved my scale to the kitchen as a reminder. took 4 Proactol today. I have noticed I don't feel as hungry during the day I think the appetite suppressant in the proactol works.

Day 5 Pretty much the same as yesterday, except it was chili for dinner and I still only took proactol, nice day so I went for a short walk as well.

Day 8 (not much worth reporting on the weekend I ate better but didn't exercise or sleep much, and I think I drank way too much at the clubs) Ok good news though, weighed in first thing in the morning and I have lost 3 lbs, from what I have read this could be water weight, but I do feel better I think I have more energy. Snacked on veggies, drank 3 liters and had a salad for dinner, I am going to lose weight or die trying, just took 4 Proactol today.

Day 9 (I think I am screwed on the Eph 200, I cant get it cleared through customs, couldn't understand why. will call the company I ordered from and see what they can do) More Veggies 2.5 Liters of water and a brisk walk at lunch, breakfast for dinner was a little greasy so I took 3 Proactol after dinner today for 5 total.

Day 10 I guess I should mention that I have had no side effects from the Proactol, I might be a bit more gassy, but I think that's my body adjusting to the healthier food. Salad for lunch today, no coffees at all and I think I actually drank 4 liters of water. Dinner was pork chops and salad. took 4 Proactol today.

Day 12 I have had a couple of great days of eating healthy, I did however have a coffee and honey glazed donut today, drank lots of water and dinner was Perogies and sour cream. Not the best day so I took 7 Proactol today.

Day 16 I am really happy with this diet so far, I am down 7 lbs now and I am motivated to keep losing the weight. I am eating healthy every day, I mask the occasional slip with extra Proactol and I am getting more exercise than I used too, mainly walking but that's all I have time for. I think I might buy a bike.

Day 18 I went and bought myself an awesome mountain bike, ate well today except for the two coffees I drank, ut otherwise I am drinking at least 3 liters of water everyday and eating healthier, somebody at work suggested that I don't skip breakfast and have a smoothie instead with protein powder to fill me up. Day 20, Look at me I think I am on the right track, I have gone for bike rides 2 days in a row, eaten completely healthy, not Tofu healthy but salads and brown bread healthy. My girlfriend commented that I have more energy and that she can now see that I am losing weight. 4 Proactol today.

Day 21 Weighed in at 16 lbs total weight loss, that means I lost 9 lbs in a week I read on the net that more than 5lbs is too much, but considering how different my life is I can't see how. I am winning the war on fat. Tuna on brown for lunch, lots of water and past for dinner, took 5 Proactol 2 with lunch and 3 at dinner.

Day 24 Been on my bike almost everyday since I bought it, I can't believe how fun it is to ride around. I had to wear a belt for the first time in my size 40 pants, I am not out of breath going up the stairs anymore and I feel great. I wish I had done this years ago, I thought this would be harder, I think the Proactol really helps and I can pat myself on the back for the new diet and the exercise.

Day 29 I played golf both days this weekend, and walked the front nine, I couldn't believe I was able to do it I have been dieting for a month, drinking my water taking my diet pills, eating better and exercising. just like I was read to do online and it has worked. In one month I have lost 21 Lbs, I feel better and the weight loss shows in the mirror. I will write submit another update after the end of next month. By the way, I never got my Eph 200, nor did I get a refund. Customer service sucked. I don't think in the end I needed it I think my weight loss in 28 days was more than expectable I will be a new man if I can keep this up for another month.

Author's Bio: 

J. Farmer is the editor at Weight Loss Reviews Where the friendly staff are always willing to help and answer your weight loss and diet questions and provide you up to date information on weight loss, diet pills, obesity and health news. Come check out their new Forums Weight Loss and Nutrition Forums