Modern life can be a maze of challenging energies and stresses to our natural energetic state. Ideally it is optimal to have our energy field & chakras balanced and at all subtle body levels (etheric,mental,astral and causal). For reference I will call this ideal state "body balance".

Some things that might stress us can work at an organic level to unbalance us, such as non-organic food or generic tap water. The effect can be slow and accumulative. Emotional and mental stresses from work and relationships can also have a dramatic effect on our natural balanced state. I am sure you can think of many more things that can contribute to an unbalanced state.

I would like to address the effect of EMF or electromagnetic fields on the state of body balance. The electromagnetic spectrum covers an wide range of frequencies. Man-made power frequencies are the result of alternating current (or AC). AC fields create weak electric currents in the bodies of humans and animals. This may explain the potential for EMFs to cause biological effects.

More importantly, man-made EMFs are energies that can have a direct and destructive impact on our natural energy fields. The best examples of EMF sources that most people experience daily are cell phones and computers. For the unaware it can lead to a diminishing of their chakra vibrancy. Commonly, this might be experienced as reduced physical energy, poor mental focus and concentration, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, and even lack of self- confidence. This might further lead to a spiraling effect on general health, and heightened stress to our work & personal relationships.

What can be done to minimize exposure to EMF? Take some simple precautionary steps, such as the following:

1. Increase the distance between yourself and the EMF source - sit at arm's length from your computer terminal & use a headset for your cell phone.
2. Avoid unnecessary proximity to high EMF sources - don't let children play directly under power lines or on top of power transformers for underground lines.
3. Reduce your time spent around EMF - turn off your computer monitor and other electrical appliances when not in use.

While it's good to minimize exposure, most people are inundated daily by EMF and it's accumulative effect. Clearly there are holistic modalities which can help us with the effects of EMF and help to maintain a balance chakra body state. This might include Reiki, massage, chiropractic (and newly developed techniques like Body Talk and Neurolink)among others. However it is impractical to have these on a daily basis. There are also many products on the market that can be worn to provide protection from EMF.

One such newly developed product, The Sunphire, is a body balance pendant. It has been tested clinically and been found to be dramatically effective in balancing the chakra and associated meridian systems. The Sunphire uses natural energies to dynamically support all the chakras and subtle bodies. More information on The Sunphire can be found at

Some suggested reading:

Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution and the Promise of Electromedicine, Dr. Robert Becker

Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves, Blake Levitt


Statements made herein are provided for informational purposes and are not intended to substitute for the advice or care provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information or sugggested products and modalities contained herein to diagnose, treat or cure a health condition or disease, or to prescribe or discontinue any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical condition, promptly contact your health care provider.

Author's Bio: 

I am the inventor of The Sunphire body balance pendant. I have a M.S. in Botany & Biochemistry, and have been recognized in Marquis' Who's Who in Science and Engineering. I have been a student and teacher of holistic living for over 20 years. Learn more about the Sunphire™ products at