That's usually the response, along with a puzzled look on their face. How could a life coach possibly help me, I don't have any problems with my life?

Life Coaching isn't just about solving problems. It's about making your whole life better. It's a way for you to hone in on the things that are really important to you, and then develop a sensible plan to bring them into your life one step at a time. Coaching is about you getting from where you are now in your life to where you want to be, in the most straightforward and practical way.

When you partner with a mindful coach, you form a special kind of association. It's an ongoing partnership that helps you produce fulfilling results in your personal and professional life.

As you go through the process of coaching you will strengthen your learning skills and improve your ability to move through life in a more balanced and peaceful fashion.

Beginning with the greatest desire you have, your coach will use exploration and reporting, along with a consistent commitment, to move you forward step-by-step towards your goal. This process accelerates your progress by providing greater focus and awareness of the choices being made.

Together you and your coach will set a baseline at where you are today and then concentrate on what you are willing to do to get where you want to be tomorrow. It's a marvelous way to stay focused on the future while you monitor your progress on a daily and weekly basis.

In the most clear-cut terms, to be successful at reaching your life goals and seeing your most wanted dreams and desires come to fruition, you need knowledge, awareness and simple action. Life coaching is your opportunity to be guided by someone experienced at successfully setting a goal, developing a concise plan to reach it, and then following the plan until the goal is achieved.

7 More Benefits of Having a Life Coach
What are some of the "real" benefits of having a life or business coach?

One - You clearly know what you want. When you begin, your coach helps you to truly think about what you want in life. I believe this is the greatest benefit of all because the majority of folks whom I have coached come to me because they are just not sure what they want in life. Whether that's from a specific area of life, such as professional, health and wellness, business or spiritual, or it is from all the areas in life blended together, it can be hard to figure out what you "really" want without an objective point of reference to guide you to it.

Two - You get what you want. Once you do know what you want, now you have to figure out how to get from where you currently are to where you want to be. This is another place where having a coach help you will speed up the process. It's important to mention that obtaining any goal in life requires following some kind of process; coaching is no different.
What an exceptional coach will do, is not only help you find the way to get from point A to point B, they help you discover the fastest way to do it, and the way that makes the most sense to you.

Three - You make better and more intelligent decisions. Face it, you're smart and you've got a lot going for yourself. You probably already know that sharing ideas and objectively thinking through all the options automatically leads to better decision making. Your coach also knows that, and together, you will both use this knowledge as you systematically build your plan and see it through.

Four - You stay on track and follow your plan. Accountability happens from both sides of the coaching relationship. From the coach's side, they are responsible for keeping you moving forward in a positive direction. When you are happy, you not only feel better about yourself, you are also more productive. This means you can count on your coach to help you continuously take one simple step at a time towards reaching your goal and getting what you want.

Five - You become more organized. When you have a process to follow, you inherently become more organized in the way you approach things. It may sound a bit silly, but when you follow your coach's plan you start at the beginning and end when your goal is reached. It's like a project; it has a defined start and end with a set of step-by-step tasks to get from where you are to where you want to be. This not only keeps everything organized, it also keeps you moving in the right direction.

Six - You find greater balance in your life. When you straighten out one area of your life, the other areas automatically benefit.

You may decide to work with a coach to help you build better, long-lasting relationships, or maybe identify and find the right career. The best part is, when you reach your goal in the specific area you are working on, the rest of your life improves because you become happier and more at peace with what you have and where you are. You now have a better life, not just a better lifestyle.

Seven - You develop greater self-esteem and confidence. It probably goes without saying that anytime you achieve something worthwhile in life you naturally raise your self-esteem and level of confidence. Clearly defining what you want, establishing a plan and seeing that plan through to the end is one of the best ways to feel better about yourself and about the way you move through life.

In summary, partnering with a life coach can be one of the most rewarding things you do for yourself, your family and your friends. It blends simplicity, knowledge, awareness and sensible action together to help you consistently raise the quality of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Ed McDonough is a certified personal development and business coach, and the founder of Intuitive Life. He specializes in helping people raise the quality of their life through knowledge, awareness and simple action. For more information and to take your free quality of life assessment visit: