We're talking big love here.

The miracle manifestation phenomenon seems to fit here because it has become so synonymous with the Jesus idea discussed in the article entitled Becoming. If you think about it, though, would any of us really have a genuine need to turn water into wine? Chances are we wouldn't at this stage in our evolution. Therefore a desire to manifest some specific outcome without any genuine need backing it up in that instant becomes little more than an amazing trick with which to entertain party guests.
True miracles
are about aligning
ourselves and our minds
and our intent with
the most loving,
light-filled solution.

If that's our honest-to-God, unwavering goal, then whatever is truly needed will develop. A rabbit may indeed come popping out of a hat but not because we merely thought it'd be cool
to make that happen.
Be it an idea, a situation, or a physical manifestation, if there is a selfless call for the most beneficial solution, all the elements will come together... whether completely explicable in scientific terms and mathematical equations or whether completely inexplicable through our present understanding. You and I can elicit the rearrangement of water molecules into wine molecules in one series of chemical reactions. You and I can give rise to the agitation, heating, cooling, enlarging, or contracting of a detached retina leading to re-adherence to the eye lining... in minutes. For that matter, we can materialize a whole new retina if need be. It all relies on what an intelligence beyond your brain or mine understands is the most mutually beneficial outcome for all concerned.
One of the main ideas of "A Course in Miracles" is that anything that comes from loving is a miracle. (Probably most effective to think of "love" here as unconditional acceptance and complete suspension of judgment in the one absolute moment.)
Physical manifestations of miracles are totally possible right here, right now, today. Whether we're talking the creation of bread from seemingly nothing or the instantaneous mending of a broken bone. This physical manifestation variety of the miracle indeed comes from loving acceptance in the one "now" moment but often involves a great deal of WILL and even KNOWLEDGE applied in a selfless manner.

We've got it all figured out.
In our age of medical science and with our vast understanding of physics, matter and energy, we have basically "eaten from the tree of knowledge". Knowledge and understanding are beautiful things but they render any kind of pure, childlike reliance upon some mysterious thing "out there somewhere" more and more rare. At least in terms of our collective consciousness. Ignorance truly is bliss because once we come to understand how something works, it instantly becomes our responsibility to USE and APPLY that understanding as part of everything we do. An old phrase comes to mind here which is, "God takes care of children and fools." Once out of fool country, though, we have to rely on other God-given miracles like our brain cells, our intuition, and our physical senses.

Wanting to die and the privilege of coming close.
The early 90's were a most taxing period of learning and growth for me. Everything I had come to rely on and believe in prior was demonstrating itself to be layered with misconception. I was absolutely horrified by the idea of getting trapped in another nightmare job. This literal phobia rendered me unemployable which rendered me on the brink of financial ruin. A long, drawn-out break-up with a mentally and emotionally unstable partner had me teetering on the edge of less-than-sanity myself.
An exhaustive and fruitless search thereafter for the elusive fountain of self-satisfaction had me completely ready to move on out of this body and out of this life. Flipping through a metaphysically-oriented book one day, the illustrations of a particular exercise caught my attention. Apparently, if I bent over a chair backwards and made some select movements and select animal-like noises, I could release deeply embedded energies that were keeping me trapped in my circumstances. Hey, it sounded like a plan to me so over the nearest chair I went. I bent and contracted and hummed and blew and did everything that book suggested.


I bent and tweaked and squealed like a pig a bit more before I deemed this whole thing as ridiculous as it must have sounded to my neighbors.
As I stood back up and put the chair away, up from the base of my spine came a ball of fire. I could feel it moving up, up, up till it seemingly exploded inside my head to an even HOTTER ball of fire. And there it sat. Steaming and smoldering. My head got hotter and hotter as fever overtook my whole body and my head became so heavy I could no longer hold it up.
Horrified that my ill-informed practice of this exercise had led to this situation, I hired an ayurvedic healer. She waved her hands around and scooped and flung and waved some more.


The fever persisted and a cough developed. I had pneumonia.
Month after month, medication after medication failed to work. After almost four months of this unending nightmare, I couldn't help it. I let go.
I slipped right on out of that bed-ridden body and into a whole other level of consciousness. Just like finding a set of car keys you've been looking for all morning, I suddenly remembered how fear was merely a creation of the physical realm. I realized that I
had always known that somewhere
in my cluttered mind and soul.
It was clear from where I was that I could move on beyond the body indefinitely but three distinct lights at various points along a 360 degree horizon indicated a choice. I could go on to the realm of perfect peace and ease or I could bring these three pivotal events to the world. Now remembering and knowing irrefutably that I had come to the physical realm to specifically achieve these things, I wanted to return. I wanted to fill my highest part.
I returned to my body and leapt out of that death bed. Well, okay, more like I crawled out in that instant but it wasn't long before I was leaping. And leaping a little more with each new day.

And they all lived happily ever... oh, wait... there's more.
That's a great story, huh? Not because it's about me but because of the miracle that put me back on track. It would be nice if the story ended there and my silhouette dissipated slowly into a big, orange setting sun. But it doesn't.
Due to a variety of health issues bubbling under the surface years prior, I began an extensive regimen of medication which continues to this day. But the two most pivotal medications didn't become available until weeks after I leapt out of that bed.
What I really wanna drive home here is that the nature of the miracle I experienced was being brought to a point of knowing that I had stuff to do in this world. Knowing that I had meaningful work ahead of me which required an agile and energetic body. Knowing that I was supposed to arise and go and leave that illness and that death bed in the past.
This profound realizing and seeing clearly meant I knew I would get well. I didn't know how that would happen, I just knew it would happen... and was happening. This intense vibration of faith and fearlessness energized me and kept me moving forward until the medications came on the scene that would support an ongoing high-quality life. And make no mistake, though officially fabricated in a laboratory, and though many less-than-loving hands likely played a part in the development process, those medications are the result of a miracle as well. Miracles breed miracles and I think if nothing else my experience supports that. We're talking about a multi-faceted situation involving a deeply personal miracle of realization and rebirth, a miracle of collective consciousness reflected in the medications, and a miracle of timing.
Bottom line, you and I are the circuit boards through which miracles can happen. It just requires truly allowing the actual circuit to do whatever it naturally does and flow out to wherever it flows. For our own greatest benefit and that of others. Miracles are a radical, fearless allowing. Miracles rush in like water wherever there's an open space. Miracles happen now. In the pure instant. Miracles are turning points. They are realizations. They're happening so often and giving rise to so many ideas and events, it's actually hard to keep up.
Good thing we don't have to.

Author's Bio: 

As my own story demonstrates, miracles can occur suddenly and often inexplicably. Point is, they still very much occur. In 1989 I made a conscious commitment to ultimate truth and began a twisting and winding journey to find it. The journey continues to this day. From AA to Louise Hay to "A Course in Miracles" to profound levels of meditation involving visual messages and channeling, the more I learn the more I find there is to learn. My hope is that my path can help other seekers find their way as well.