Many would say yes, meditation is a waste of time!

Time is one of the few commodities we cannot save or store. Everyone is allotted 24 hours in a day and most of us have busy lifestyles with little time to lose.

It would appear spending ½ to one hour sitting perfectly still doing nothing might easily fall into the category of a useless activity devouring precious time.

A Zen practitioner meditates between 6 and 8 hours each day for 20 to 25 years before they permanently balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have 20 to 25 years to become “enlightened.” I can barely squeeze out an extra hour per day, let alone 6 to 8.

Why would anyone even consider meditation?

Well, let’s look at the benefits achieved through regular practice first. Then I will explain how to quickly enter into Zen-like states and meditate like the masters.

First the benefits of meditation:

  • Regular practice actually sharpens the mind so you will achieve more in a shorter time period.
  • Science has proven the mind/body connection exists. When reaching the Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave states we actually reduce production of the stress hormone cortisol. Stress is now considered by many to be responsible for upwards of 95% of all human dis-ease.
  • Allows for the body’s immune system to function efficiently.
  • Reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Many who meditate report a stronger connection with Source. (God, Infinite Intelligence, etc.)
  • Most problems experienced by humanity are created while in the Beta or thinking brainwave state. Therefore we cannot resolve these problems by staying in Beta; we need to go into deeper brainwave patterns achieved through meditation.
  • Meditation quiets the “noise” or constant self-talk in the mind; allowing us to receive answers to problems, questions or situations.
  • It creates new neural pathways between the left and right hemispheres, balancing the brain. Through this process fears, phobias, anxiety and worry begin to dissipate.
  • Reduces chronic pain.
  • Increased longevity.
  • An overall sense of well-being and harmony with everyone and everything.

Now let’s face it; that is quite a list with some compelling reasons why we should meditate. However, many are unwilling to trade time for the benefits.

Understand if you do make the time, ultimately you develop laser sharp focus with even greater performance levels. In the end, you get more accomplished in much less time.

Quickly Entering Into Zen-Like States

Okay, now that we know why meditation is beneficial, let’s look at how we can quicken the process to enjoy these fantastic benefits immediately instead of 25 years from now.

One of the first techniques I used was sound technology employing binaural beats which have been proven to balance the left and right hemispheres. The results are immediate. Within a few minutes of putting on the headphones your left and right hemispheres are balanced in a Zen-like state.

Basically you can meditate for 1 hour each day instead of 6 to 8. You also achieve the same results in much fewer than 20 to 25 years.

Within weeks of using binaural beat technology I began experiencing profound shifts in my thinking, attitude and many would even say my appearance. I practiced daily for approximately two and a half years.

Then I discovered monaural and isochronic tones which experts claim are about 900 times more effect than binaural beats for brainwave entrainment.

I am particularly fond of the isochronic sound waves as I find they help me to easily cope with day to day stress. I especially like the positive changes I experience listening to the stronger of the two – isochronic.

So there you have it. Now you know why meditation is not a waste of time. You also have a few options to research if you decide to enjoy the benefits of meditation without wasting years of valuable time.

Author's Bio: 

Gene Anger has a passion for self improvement, which led him to helping others overcome their self-limitation and self-sabotage.
Go to Gene's "Free Self Help Tutorial" or visit and sign up for his complimentary “Rapid Manifestation Quick Start Guide”.

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