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McCain or Romney? Obama or Hillary?
Image Expert Reveals Insight
By Image Consultant Sandy Dumont

The frontrunners in the remaining Republican primaries are John McCain and Mitt Romney. Here’s how I see it. McCain will win because his image is better in one important detail. When it comes to image, the devil is in the details, and if you get one thing wrong, that’s all that is noticed and remembered - particularly when that one thing concerns the face. The problem? Romney’s eyebrows are dark and severe looking. On some occasions, it causes him to come across as mean looking. When he is smiling, it isn’t noticed as much, but it is difficult to smile non stop. In contrast, McCain comes across as a kindly person. However, McCain doesn’t have a consistent look and is sometimes seen in washed out shirts and ties, (see above), so in a crowd he doesn’t stand out. When in debate with Romney, however, and a comparison is made only between the two men, he has the edge because of the severity of Romney’s appearance. If McCain does go on to carry the banner for the Republic party, he’d better get an image consultant. We don’t need any more dressed-down “rapport” dressing. A leader needs to look strong reliable and powerful; like someone we can count on, not someone who is “just like us.” Think about it, do you want a parent who dresses for rapport and seems “just like you” - or do you want a parent who is “big and strong and will protect me?” As for Romney, if he wins, maybe he should still think about trimming his eyebrows just a tad.

Will it be Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama who comes out the winner on Super Tuesday, February 5th?
In terms of image, Obama wins, but not because he has great sartorial sense. He doesn’t. His image is up and down. His presence and charisma are not; both are always up.
Hillary needs to level the playing field a lot more in terms of image, and then her presence and charisma would increase dramatically. Take a look at the picture in the center and you will see that both candidates are virtually dressed alike. There is one big difference, however. Obama towers over Hillary, and that’s also what happens in corporate America. Men are judged to be more powerful because of their stature and their deep voices. Women need to add stature and presence by dressing in powerful colors and styles and wearing powerful accessories so that they make a powerful statement when they enter a room.
Hillary’s red jacket is a great power color but the style is ordinary. It’s literally a copy of daddy’s jacket and she needs to ditch all her pantsuits, particularly those with boring blazer jackets. They say “follower” instead of “leader” - and furthermore, pantsuits are not as powerful as skirted suits. Pantsuits are for comfort and for I.T. staff who need to do physical activities.
Hillary should have said Yes to Vogue Magazine and appeared on the pages with a skirted red suit in a high-fashion distinctive style. The way you look and dress announces the outcome other people can expect from you, and a red suit would have shouted to the world, “Get on my team, I’m a winner!” As it is, her wardrobe suggests she is a follower most often.
The way you look also announces how you feel about yourself - and you will be treated accordingly. Notice how Hillary beams in the red jacket. That kind of energy is contagious and makes other people feel good about themselves as well as Hillary.
Obama wins the contest in terms of image, even though he doesn’t always look Presidential. With that in mind, Hillary could gain an advantage if she dressed in a more distinctive and dynamic manner.

Author's Bio: 

Sandy Dumont, THE Image Architect writes for several publications throughout the country on the subject of image. Dumont has a nation-wide reputation as an image consultant. She is the author of 5 electronic books and produced 3 DVD’s on the subject of image and travels and speaks all over the US.
For a free copy of her EBook Tattle Tale Looks visit