• 30 years experience working with Fortune 500 companies (I.T.T., Honeywell, Rolex, Sheraton Hotels, Lancôme, Yves St. Laurent Cosmetics, Farmers Insurance, American Express Financial Services, Mitre Corporation, TWA, CBN TV)
• International leader in the field of color and image
• Pioneer in the field of image psychology and impression strategies
• Former high-fashion runway and photo model
• Lectured and coached throughout Europe, recognized there as a leader in image development
• Unique background in fashion education, art and psychology
o Graduate of John Robert Powers Fashion & Finishing School, Washington, DC
o Former faculty member of The Barbizon (fashion) School, Washington, DC
o Former faculty member of Management Center Europe, Brussels, Belgium
o Certificate from The Institute for Deep Therapy, Denmark & Belgium
o Lifelong art student
• Produced series of “Impression Strategies” DVDs
• Monthly columnist for numerous publications in Virginia, and Palm Beach, Florida
• Publishes a monthly e-Newsletter
• Featured regularly on radio, TV and in print
• Quoted regularly in the press as an image expert (US News & World Report, CBS, NBC, etc.)
• Other clients have included ITT, American Express Financial Services, Honey, Rolex, Sheraton Hotels, First Horizon Mortgage, Mitre Corporation, Yves St. Laurent Cosmetics, US Embassy of Belgium, Farmers Financial Services, Bankers Online, WTKR-TV, US Navy & Air Force, Old Dominion University, Realtors Associations, Bons Secours Hospital, Chesapeake General Hospital, Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority.
"The way you look and dress announces the outcome other people can expect from you. It also announces how you feel about yourself, and you'll be treated accordingly."
Sandy Dumont’s skill sets apply to the areas of corporate and political image, branding, risk communications, executive management media interactions, and situations of litigation. Ms. Dumont provides the necessary actions and training required in an environment where perceptions drive motivations, performance and marketplace position.
Sandy Dumont, Executive Director
The Image Architect
921 Botetourt Gardens
Norfolk, VA 23507