How do you rate yourself as a leader? If you are a supervisor, you should not allow your personal feeling to control your behavior. It is not a mistake that these employees are under your supervision, but to deliberately hold them back from awards and other promotions is shameful on your part. ...How do you rate yourself as a leader? If you are a supervisor, you should not allow your personal feeling to control your behavior. It is not a mistake that these employees are under your supervision, but to deliberately hold them back from awards and other promotions is shameful on your part. This type of action does not make you a good leader.

The role of a leader or manager in the workplace is not an easy one by any standard. Managers have many responsibilities that include decision-making, planning, delegating, and organizing. One difficult responsibility is to appraise the performance of his or her employees. The purpose of the performance appraisal plan is to allow managers to evaluate subordinates' accomplishments toward completing specific tasks required by the organization. Preparing an employee's performance appraisal is one of many responsibilities that a manager has to undertake. In most organizations, the performance appraisals are usually done on an annual basis. The appraisal plan provides judgments to back up salary increases, promotions, transfers, and sometimes demotions or terminations in an organization. The main role of a leader is to make certain that the organization’s goals are accomplished.

Most managers are uneasy about performance appraisals because they dislike criticizing their employees. Also, some managers lack the skills needed to handle the performance appraisal interviews. Many managers must perform these and other duties that they are uncomfortable with to keep their jobs. When a manager makes an unpopular decision in the workplace, the employee must realize that he is just trying to do his job.

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Author's Bio: 

Dr. Mary E. Waters is an author, speaker, business consultant. She is the author of “Easy Business for Women with Little or No Money.” She strives on helping people to start their own business with little or no money. For many years, she has been helping people make their dreams of becoming a successful business owner come true! Easy Business for Women with Little or No Money, Author: Dr. M. E. Waters,
Release Date: Feb 20, 2006, ISBN: 0759605963, ISBN: 9780759605961, ISBN: 9780759605978, Mail to:,