Pain is defined as an annoying sensation that can range from mild, localized soreness to misery. This feeling consists of both physical and emotional elements. Pain often results in a lack of enthusiasm and energy. These individuals describe themselves as exhausted and emotionally distressed. These sensations can impair career, private, and social ties.

When the body is injured, it releases chemicals that signal the brain that something is wrong. The brain interprets this message as injury, and informs the person of the injury. The individual then reacts to this message, and works to resolve it. On occasion, however, a warning of pain is sent to the brain when no injury has occurred. This can occur when the signal has an emotional, rather than a real, cause.

One way to relieve painful sensations is with medications. Non-narcotic medicines, such as Tylenol or Aleve, stop the body from discharging chemicals responsible for notifying the brain of injury. Narcotic painkillers, however, directly connect to neurons in the brain and tell them that the issue has already been resolved. Narcotics, such as morphine and Dilaudid, are sometimes very addictive and create dependency in those individuals who take them for long periods as pain management tools.

The body also discharges substances known as endorphins. These are completely natural painkillers, released by the brain's cells to make the body believe that it does not hurt. Runners, for example, release endorphins after strenuous exercise; this is the source of the "runner's high" often discussed by those who are running enthusiasts. Those persons who like to participate in strenuous sports describe the same endorphin release. At times, sports enthusiasts are able to run or play even with an injury because of the presence of these drugs in their bodies.

Painful experiences can also be treated by by using diversion, or guided imagery. Individuals are coached to focus on an image or to imagine a peaceful and relaxing scene that offers relief from the feelings they are experiencing. Another distraction technique involves the use of music or other activities. These techniques can be used to help people who have ongoing lower back pain.

Persons frequently experience relief with hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic programming techniques. Nature’s own pain relief strategies can allow people to have relief from various long-term problems, such as migraines and other chronic, debilitating headaches or throbbing neck pain. The majority of people can significantly cut down on, or totally eradicate their use of drugs with these methods.

Traditional hypnotherapy pain reduction strategies work most effectively for people who are open to post-hypnotic suggestions. A professional hypnotist helps the individual to go into a deep state of relaxation. Then, the client is highly aware of the strategies being offered by the professional.

The hypnotherapist instructs the client to think about other activities or tasks, and that diversion will relieve any sense of unease. In fact, just using the word discomfort during a hypnotherapy session instead of saying the word pain can radically diminish any sensation of pain. The majority of clients achieve excellent results, and they can be assisted to use self-hypnosis for pain relief to gain personal control of their situations.

More analytical individuals most often require either Erickson-based hypnosis or NLP in order to overcome their conscious resistance to suggestion.

The hypnosis strategy for pain treatment can also be employed to program the brain to give off endorphins that can result in light anesthesia, sometimes described as analgesia. This state may be used to assist ladies to deliver children naturally without the use of medicines that may harm the infant. It also can help provide natural arthritis pain relief in chronic sufferers.

Hypnotherapy also can be used to cause total anesthesia in some individuals. Medical researchers call this hypnoanesthesia. In days before general anesthesia became widely available to patients, many doctors performed major surgery using hypnoanesthesia.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can be used to assist persons who think critically and analytically. Professionals aid clients to perfect a very helpful technique utilized by NLP, known as the 'Flash'. This technique assists people to teach their unconscious minds to automatically avoid a painful sensation, and to think about things that will create peace and comfort. Persons who have perfected this technique discover that they are no longer able to concentrate on the pain, because their thoughts immediately replace it for thoughts.

Both NLP and hypnotherapy are innovative approaches that prescribe entirely natural methods to relieve pain. They aid people to avoid using pain medication or reduce their dependence on these painkillers. Both clients who are very open to suggestion and those who are critical thinkers can benefit from these types of programs. Moreover, both are very effective in helping people to get respite from their pain.

Currently, there are many options available for receiving this type of treatment. Trained professionals usually charge an average of $150.00 to $200.00 per hour. Anyone who has sought out this type of healing approach can honestly tell you that the money required was well worth it. A more affordable treatment strategy, however may be investing in one of the highly reputable hypnotherapy CD courses that are available.

Summary: People experience both physical and emotional pain. A number of treatments are available; including narcotic and non-narcotic pain medicines, as well as guided imagery and diversion strategies. The most beneficial methods of relieving pain, however, are NLP and hypnotherapy.

Author's Bio: 

Alan B. Densky is an NGH certified Hypnotherapist. He has developed a very effective migraine and headache relief self hypnosis program. His Neuro-VISION self hypnosis site also offers a free video self-hypnosis blog, Free MP3's, and a thorough hypnosis article repository.