Not having love is driving you half crazy isn’t it?
You don’t have love and you don’t know what to do about it.
You’ve got all this anger. You’ve got all this fear. You’re not getting any younger are you?
What it’s about, this not being able to get love?
It’s making you nuts. You’re losing sleep over it. You’re worrying about it. It’s keeping you negative most of the time.
What else could you say about it? You’re frustrated about love.
You’re fearful about never having love. You’re angry you don’t have enough or maybe even any love. You feel desperate about love. It’s something that’s plagued you a long time, hasn’t it? Maybe all your life. No love. Or at least not enough. You just want more love.
Re-read what’s been said so far, it’s why you don’t have the love you should have. Re-read it. Do you notice how you feel when you read those words? You feel negative. You feel negative because all those words, all those thoughts are negative. Do people say all those things who have love? Do they have all those negative feelings? Of course not.
How much love should you have, anyway? There’s an infinite supply. You should have as much love as you would like to have. You should have plenty of love. You should feel love all the time. You should be able to say, I have as much love as I need.
Re-read the last four sentences. That’s what people with love say. They say, I have plenty of love, all I need. If you ask them, how’s it going with your love, they’ll say, great and they’ll say it enthusiastically.
And, there you go. There’s your answer. There’s the answer to your love problems.
There’s a universal law: Positive attracts positive. Those with love get more love. They’re not any smarter, they’re no better looking, they’re not any more clever than you are but they have love because they are positive about love. When it comes to love, the only thought in their mind is, they have plenty of love.
The other side of the universal law is, negative attracts negative. Negative thoughts and feelings about love results in having more negative thoughts and feelings about love and less and less love.
Loving people think positive thoughts about love all the time and love is coming to them all the time. Positive attracts positive. The person struggling, looking for love and having a lot of negative thoughts about love is pushing it away with all the negativity, all the thoughts of, I don’t have it, I can’t get it.
Bottom line is, whatever you think about all the time is what you’re getting all the time.
So, to get love, you have to get positive about love. There’s no other way. Get positive and positive starts coming your way. That’s the law of the universe. It’s simple. It’s not complicated.
How do you get positive? You get positive by getting rid of your negativity. Getting rid of negativity allows positive to flow your way. Get rid of the non love feelings. Get loving. Love starts flowing your way.
The Release Technique shows you how to locate all your negative, non love feelings. A lot of your negative, non love feelings you can see. It’s coming out of your mouth all day long. Most of your negativity you can’t see. It’s subconscious, meaning you don’t know it’s there. In this book we’re going to show you how to locate and get rid of your subconscious non love feelings. You get rid of the subconscious non love feelings, you get positive and you get love. Find out how to have all the love you deserve. Make a decision to get rid of the negative, non love feelings, get positive, turn yourself around and be loving all the time. You can have all the love in the universe. Get the Abundance Course, learn the Release Technique and have all the love you deserve. Go to and order the Abundance Course right now. Why wait?
Copyright 2008 by Lawrence Crane Enterprises. All rights reserved. Photocopying or other reproduction welcome if in its entirety.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives. The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.
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