Learning what it takes to successfully cure or treat Gout is as important as knowing the root causes behind it.

First you need to understand what causes Gout so that you can avoid Gout as well as treat Gout.

The cycle of Gout begins with the presence of a substance called Purine, which is formed during the normal decomposition of protein molecules in our cells. A by-product of Purine is a crystalline substance called Uric Acid.

Elevated levels of Purine present in the body at any given time, whether due to genetics or a high protein diet, may give rise to elevated amounts of Uric Acid in the blood stream.

We expect that approximately two-thirds of the Uric Acid to be removed from the body through the kidneys and urinary system. Gout occurs when the Uric Acid is not metabolized properly enough to send it into the urinary system, so the blood levels reach higher proportions. Once there, the crystals may find a cozy joint (usually at the site of a big toe) to gather and collect and proceed to wreak havoc by means of intense, sudden pain and off-the-charts inflammation.

Since our bodies rely heavily on the urinary system to rid us of excess Uric Acid, it is easy to understand why good hydration and fluid balance is so important. The balance of fluids in our systems plays an integral role in Gout prevention, cure and Gout treatment.

Look closer at our every day consumption of liquids and their up close and personal relationship with Gout. Prevention of Gout is not that difficult. What you need is proper knowledge to treat Gout.

Read on…


The most abundant home remedy to prevent Gout on the planet is at our fingertips. Water! There is no cheaper alternative to treat Gout. An individual seeking to prevent Gout or curing Gout it would be wise to drink as much as 96 ounces of water per day to maintain hydration and dilution of Uric Acid crystals in the bloodstream.

In addition to preventing Gout’s acute attacks, the effects of good hydration helps keep joints lubricated, flushes Uric Acid out of the body and away from the poor great toe and other inflicted joints and prevents or helps kidney stones pass through if present. The kidneys cannot function optimally in a dehydrated state, nor does any system in the body.

Tip: Counter the ill effects of dehydrating liquids you consume, by drinking more water or decaffeinated teas and low sugar juices. Water is the key to good health. It is the cheapest medicine known to man. And it can take a commanding role to successfully treat Gout.


Studies have been conducted that connect the drinking of coffee – and the more of it the better – with marked prevention of Gout in significant numbers of participants. Experts conclude that there is a correlation between elevated insulin levels and the presence of higher Uric Acid levels in the bloodstream. The researchers believe that drinking coffee lowers the level of insulin, and with it decreases the Uric Acid levels. Drink another cup of java and help yourself avoid Gout!

Sweetened Drinks

Americans are drinking more sugary soft drinks than ever, but is there a coincidental rise in occurrence of Gout as well?

During one 12-year study, it was concluded that the risk for developing Gout was significantly increased in participants that drank at least six servings of sweetened carbonated soft drinks per week (these were non-diet sodas).

But it goes further. Sugary fruits and juices such as apples and oranges appear to carry an increased risk of Gout as well. For the person trying to avoid Gout flare-ups, the ill effects of sweetened soft drinks proved to be worse than hard liquor and almost as negative as beer. Fructose appears to be the culprit, having been found to raise Uric Acid levels.

To treat and prevent Gout effectively, switch to water, low sugar juices or diet sodas and drink plenty of them.


News flash: Drinking alcohol increases the risk for Gout!

There is a proven and direct association between alcohol consumption and the presence of Gout. Therefore, if you are an avid drinker, there’s no way you can avoid Gout. The risk is greatest for beer drinkers followed by those indulging in liquor, but wine (in moderation) does not seem to have much of an effect on the incidence of Gout.

Beer carries the most risk, not only contains alcohol, which can cause dehydration, but it contains Purine as well. As discussed earlier, the higher amounts of Purine roaming in the body, the more Uric Acid will answer the call. And it is the Uric Acid crystals that cause the excruciating pain associated with Gout!

You can prevent Gout. Follow the steps and tips listed here. To avoid Gout or hasten the process of curing Gout avoid Purine rich foods and beverages such as organ meats, poultry, seafood and products containing yeast.

Got beer? In order to prevent Gout, treat Gout or cure Gout, you already know the answer!

Author's Bio: 

Betty Roberts is the author of Gout-Info.com, a website dedicated to Gout sufferers.