As a home business owner, I find great value in the information I read online in emails, ebooks, newsletters, ezines, articles and website content. However, being an online entrepreneur, I am sometimes bombarded with information (not all content driven) that can become an overwhelming ...

As a home business owner, I find great value in the information I read online in emails, ebooks, newsletters, ezines, articles and website content. However, being an online entrepreneur, I am sometimes bombarded with information (not all content driven) that can become an overwhelming distraction. While being the CEO of your own business clearly has enormous benefits it also makes you the sole person responsible for its success. Sifting through all this information can bring chaos to your day and easily make you lose sight of your focus. To be successful it is essential you stay on target with your goals clearly in sight or you will be left on the wayside. We all face challenges and obstacles such as this, new and seasoned entrepreneurs alike, in our business. How we deal with them is the key.

With that being said, I thought I would share a short story and show you how I manage the human response to overload, stress, worry and fear inevitable with any business.

One day as I was diligently working to decide on a marketing strategy for my home business, I found myself going in circles. One of the ways I like to promote my business is through solo adverts in ezines. If you know anything about ezines, you know there are a zillion to choose from. Finding the right ezine for your niche market can be a daunting process. After two days of reviewing ezines, I still could not decide on the best ezine, for the best price, using the best ad, targeting the best audience pertaining to my business. I was totally exhausted!

It was time to take a step back. I found myself being indecisive and getting totally frustrated, a sure sign I was way out of alignment with my inner being.

Sometimes when you own your own business you find yourself either not showing up or working all the time. I tend to be a workaholic. I have learned over the years when things get out of control such as was my current situation; it is time for a “Time Out”. I needed to get clarity before any action could be taken. So when this happens I take a one hour space of time to reconnect with my inner being through meditation. Too often, life gets so busy I forget how valuable and powerful this time is.

Now this time of meditation did not tell me what ezine was most appropriate to advertise in, but it afforded me peace, balance, and harmony within myself giving me the ability to see clearly and feel comfortable in my decision making.

If you are a business owner, or in any aspect of your life for that matter, where you begin to feel overwhelmed and find decision making a task, meditation can be a great benefit. When you are out of alignment with your higher self, meditation will always bring you back to your center. You will always know when you are out of alignment by the way you are feeling. The five basic emotional states that show you are out of alignment with your inner being are the feelings of apathy, grief, fear, frustration, or anger. There are many sub categories that define each category more clearly but you can get the picture.

If you have never meditated, it is not as difficult as some may lead you to believe. It is best to begin with short periods of time anywhere from 5-15 minutes and build up gradually to a minimum of 20 minutes. Find a nice quite place where you will not be interrupted. Turn off your phones and TV. Wear comfortable clothing. You can either sit or lie down, but be sure your spine is straight. If you choose to lie down, make sure you are not one to fall asleep. If you are prone to falling asleep, it is best to sit up.

Close your eyes and start with slow deep breathes. Imagine the top of your head is on hinges and it opens easily. The top of your head is your crown chakra, your connection to the Divine. Open the top of your head to allow the Divine to enter. Feel the Divine white light surrounding you and entering you through your crown chakra. Next focus your attention on the center of your forehead, the spot between your eyes. This is your second chakra also known as your third eye. Your third eye is your connection to intuition, clarity, and the objective view of things.

Once you have done this, slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth to the count of six or seven. Focus on your breathing feeling your breathe going in through your nose and out through your mouth. Concentrate only on your breathing counting your breaths. If your mind wonders, and it will, don’t judge or analyze your thoughts, just let them be while gently bringing your attention back to your breathing. This is a simple way to begin the process of meditation and it is very effective.

The key is to focus on one thing (in this case your breathing) to quiet your mind. This brings you to a place of peace, balance, and harmony which in turn will reconnect you to your higher self and that place of joyful expansion.

There is no magic to meditation but with continued use it will bring magic to your life and your business.

Author's Bio: 

Transformational Life Coach, Intuitive Counselor, Master Reiki Practitioner,and Licensed Massage Therapist, Patti is dedicated to those who wish to manifest abundance and prosperity in their lives through a balance of Health, Wealth, and Wisdom. Whether you're looking to improve a home based business, a relationshp, your health, or your time and money freedom, it's a sign that a dream or goal is seeking to emerge. Let me assist you further in trusting and achieving those dreams: visit