Almost everyone overeats and under exercises at Christmas. Yes, thin people do it too. So don't feel you are a failure if you have put on a few pounds. And if you want to change your shape, starting off a new regime in midwinter is not easy.

If you are in Australia, no excuses, I know it is your summer! For the rest of us, a better time to transform your life is the spring when the days start getting longer, the sap is rising and the buds are bursting etc. It's much easier then to be energetic about change.

But it's a good idea after the holiday to do a mental 'detox' and decide what you are going to do differently this year. Perhaps you did that at New Year but somehow when you got back to work in January you lost the plot a bit.

So here are some pointers to keep you going in this year.

* Resolve now to get back to healthy eating. Smaller portions, not too much stodge, plenty of water, plenty of salads, veg and fruit. Starting today, give way or throw away your unhealthy food. Better off going to waste than going to waist.

* Watch what you drink too – fruit juices may be high is sugar, fruit drinks (fruit juice diluted with water and sugar) are even worse... and alcohol may add unnecessary calories. If you can stick to just one glass of wine, fine, otherwise stick to water.

* Get some exercise. Find a safe way of exercising for the weather in your locality. Aim to do several days a week, not just when the mood hits you. Set yourself a realistic starting target and stick to your plan. Exercise only works when you do it - sitting thinking about it is less successful! Exercising in ice and snow can be dangerous so you may have to work out in the gym or dig out the exercise video. This is better than nothing – and when the weather improves you will not have lost your fitness, so go to it!

* Set a goal to build up your health and fitness level, not just to lose weight. Between January and March if you eat sensibly and exercise regularly you'll be building up your muscles and getting your metabolism going. When the spring sunshine does arrive you'll have shaken off the winter sludge and be ready to zoom into summer!

Doing the weighing and measuring will give you the motivation you need to get you started. Get on the scales, get out the tape measure and know just where you are. Now build on that and determine to be fitter and healthier by spring.

It helps if you can be accountable for the changes you are making. Tell your best friend, find a weight loss buddy or be accountable to your personal trainer or weight loss coach. One of my clients is running in the London marathon so she has made a decision to be accountable for her fitness - what are your goals for this year?

(c) 2009 Liz Copeland

Author's Bio: 

As a Nutrition Coach Liz Copeland shows people who find healthy eating difficult how to change their beliefs and behaviours around food so they can eat well, look good and feel great. Receive her 5-lesson mini ecourse "Conquer Emotional Eating Forever" and a complimentary subscription to her newsletter No More Rabbit Food - weight loss tips for people who love food at