Goodbye Guilty Eating
By Suzanne Monroe, HHC – Food Coach

Have you ever said to yourself “Today is the day I am going to start eating healthier!”? I think we have all said this to ourselves at one time or another. But why don’t we stick with it? One of the problems is that we often think that eating healthier means eliminating foods that we crave, like chocolate chip cookies or the tempting bag of your favorite snack. When I talk with people about their cravings, everyone usually has at least one thing that seems to be standing in their way. Most people, in attempt to eat healthier, tell themselves “I am never going to eat that again” or “I shouldn’t eat that”. But then suddenly they find themselves with an intense craving for the very thing they are trying to give up.

Have you ever thought about why this happens? Think of your mind like a magnet. Whatever thoughts come into your mind circulate around and around and cause you to feel and act a certain way. When you focus on not eating something, you place a lot of attention on what you are not supposed to be doing. Whether it’s a positive or a negative thought, either way you are focused on it. Your thought “I will not eat cookies” rings in your brain as “cookies, cookies, cookies”. So how can you possibly stop eating cookies when all you are thinking about is not eating cookies?

There is a better way to eating healthy and it’s not about depriving yourself or denying yourself of your favorite foods. When you deprive yourself, you wind up feeling dissatisfied which can lead to more cravings, over eating, and feelings of guilt. Let’s throw guilt out the window! It’s not fun and you don’t need it in your life.

Instead of focusing on what you can’t eat, flip it around and focus on what you can eat. There are many methods I use for helping people to eliminate their cravings, and this method is called “Crowding Out”. By adding in all of the delicious, nourishing food that you can have - the food that you enjoy and that is healthy for you - suddenly the food that makes you sick seems to disappear. Your body will recognize this change and say “THANK YOU!” Keep adding in nutrient-dense foods, and watch your cravings for processed, sugary foods diminish. And you won’t even have to arm wrestle with yourself in the kitchen!

Try this exercise: List all of your favorite foods that are full of nutrients. (a.k.a. “healthy and tasty”). Next, decide on different meals to add these foods in during the week. Then make a commitment to focus on these nutrient-dense foods for one month. Make sure you are adding them in each day. Post your goal on your refrigerator. If you are have a craving for something “unhealthy”, examine your list and decide if something on the list will do instead. If not, sit down and enjoy your treat without guilt.

Here are a few examples of Nutrient-Dense Foods that will leave you feeling satisfied:

Beans – Garbanzo, Pinto, Kidney, Lima, Cannellini and many more. Beans are loaded with fiber and will add a sensation of feeling full.

Vegetables – The more green vegetables you eat, the more you will want to keep them in your daily diet. They are loaded with minerals and nutrients.

Berries – Loaded with antioxidants, berries of all kinds have cancer-preventing power. They are also a great fruit choice for weight-management.

Wild Alaskan Salmon – Full of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, a serving of salmon will leave you feeling satisfied.

Nuts – Walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, and other nuts are a healthy source of fat. They make a great snack or just top them on your salad.

Recipe: Jumpstart Smoothie
This smoothie is delicious for an easy breakfast or a tasty summer drink.

Prep time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2

1 cup berries
1 banana
1 /3 cup organic yogurt
2 tbsp almond butter or ¼ cup ground almonds
1 tbsp flax seed oil
¼ cup aloe juice
¾ cup liquid of your choice (water, juice, chilled herbal tea)
2 tbsp whey protein powder or spirulina powder – optional

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a blender and serve. Enjoy as a healthy breakfast shake or as a refreshing summer drink.

Author's Bio: 

Suzanne Monroe, HHC is a Food Coach and owner of Intelligent Health Group, LLC. Suzanne helps busy people figure out what to eat through her nutrition coaching programs. For more information on Suzanne’s programs, workshops, and recipes, or if you would like to sign up for a free newsletter, visit