Before we even start to think about ‘which exercise plan is the best’, it’s important to start with what you already know.

It’s even MORE important to start with what you already ENJOY. (yes, I do realize we’re talking about exercise, but hear me out).

At this point, it’s really not important to know the biomechanical differences between sit-ups and abdominal crunches (but if you do, that’s fine, too).

Rather than worry about a potentially overwhelming mass of new information, we won’t re-invent any wheels – just use your current understanding of what counts as exercise and start doing it.

As I’ve already said (and will likely repeat many more times), the first goal is to create the HABIT of regular physical activity.

Lift weights.
Back-flip, somersault or cartwheel.

The point is that I want you to find something physical you don’t mind doing – even if it’s not considered “by the book” by those who specialize in program design.

If you like to hop, skip and jump, then by-gum, start hopping, skipping and jumping already!

Remember, YOU are now in charge of program design.
(Are you getting that powerful feeling in your gut yet?)

Keep in mind that even the worst fitness program that gets done will easily outperform the countless books, DVDs and gym memberships you paid for but never used. So your “less than perfect” workout program will do much more good than MY “ultimate workout” you’ll never do.

Current research suggests that people who are happiest with their physical appearance, health and wellness (and all those other important measures of success) accumulate 5-7 hours of exercise each week.

If you’re currently getting ZERO hours, 5 may seem like a loooong way to go. So start with 3. Or 2. Or even 1.

The point is to start – TODAY!

It doesn’t have to be all at once.

It doesn’t have matter if it’s weight training, walking, yoga, tai chi, tae bo or anything in between

You can do sit-ups for 5 hours straight if you really want to – or you might start by walking around the block after dinner.

As a trainer, of course I would prefer to create a goal and ability specific training plan, but that’d be jumping too far ahead.

As a coach, I’m here to help you do what you already know you should be doing. I can give you new success strategies you may not have thought about (or chosen to ignore!).

Regardless if I’m playing the role of “Trainer Joe” or “Coach Joe”, it’s still up to YOU to do the dirty work. Serve your time.

However you want to look at exercise – (or whatever you choose to call the activity you find least offensive) – I KNOW you’ll improve if you can just build some level of consistency.

Author's Bio: 

Noted fitness expert Joe Stankowski is a co-author of "The Power of Champions" and a frequent contributor to many of the fitness magazines at a newsstand near you.

For more wit and wisdom of "Coach Joe", visit his fitness themed, caffeine-influenced blog at