Fibromyalgia or FMS targets approximately 2 - 6% of the US population, and is a very difficult condition to live with. It is considered a non-life threatening syndrome, however symptoms can be quite debilitating.

It is generally thought of as an arthritic type of syndrome, with aching joints, bones, muscles and a significant amount of pain. There are many other symptoms of this syndrome, although the actual term 'Fibromyalgia' usually refers to widespread musculoskeletal pain and general weakness and exhaustion.

The severity of symptoms may fluctuate greatly from one individual to another as well as from day to day or even hour to hour within the same individual. There are usually periods of time that are called "flares" during which there is an intense worsening of symptoms and there may be periods of remission, when symptoms decrease or even disappear.

Some of the most commonly reported FMS symptoms are:

• Muscle Pain

Neck Pain

Back Pain

• Fatigue – This can be very mild to debilitating if it becomes severe enough.

• Headaches

• Morning Stiffness

• Insomnia –

• Concentration Issues

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome



Until recently, individuals who suffered with Fibromyalgia did not have many resources available to them. In fact, most doctors believed that the symptoms these patients had were 'all in their heads.' However, medical testing has proven the seriousness and the reality of this condition. Usually, to diagnose FMS, a doctor or holistic health expert will take into account the very wide range of symptoms. There are also points on a person's body which are very painful to touch. There are 18 points used in this test, and if at least 11 of them are painful to slight pressure, you may be diagnosed with this syndrome. These points are clustered around the neck and back, and there are spots on the insides of the knees as well as the hips. Usually, slight pressure is used to test these spots. In healthy people, the pressure should not cause pain, however in those with this condition, there will be mild to severe pain.


Unfortunately, there is no cure for Fibromyalgia. Treatment typically consists of treating each symptom and managing pain. Many people who have this condition are turning to herbal supplements and all natural treatment for relief. For many people, all natural treatment is a way to avoid filling their bodies with chemicals and prescription medications. Many people find relief by making changes in their diet and lifestyle, supplementing their diet with particular vitamins, minerals and herbs, low impact exercise, meditation, massage and a variety of other natural health approaches.

By learning more about FMS, you can learn different ways to deal with the physical conditions as well as the emotional and cognitive ones. Research and learn about your syndrome as much as possible. Also, pay close attention to certain things that may trigger you to feel worse. This in combination with a good treatment plan should help you manage and have a better quality of life.

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed. is a holistic health counselor who lives with the challenges of Fibromyalgia. Visit her site to find a variety of free holistic health tips and strategies for living with and managing Fibromyalgia.