You can call it a merger between body piercing and food abstinence. But officially, people call this procedure the weight loss ear staple. This procedure involves attaching a very small device to a cartilage inside your ear. This small staple, which is very similar to your ordinary staple wire, is said to help in losing weight.

As body piercing becomes increasingly fashionable these days, weight watchers never needed to have a second look at this new trend. True enough, countless overweight people jumped in on the bandwagon and had their ears stapled to take advantage of a more in-vogue way to losing weight. But more than just fashion, this procedure promises to provide anyone a quick way to shed off unwanted pounds.

Many followers of this new weight loss procedure claim that having their ears stapled is like having an earring. The only difference is that the ear staple is not dangling on the earlobe but rather it is clamped on the cartilage right outside the ear canal. And just like ordinary ear piercing in many states, a license is not required for someone who wants to perform this procedure on anyone.

So, how does weight loss ear staple work? Well, a sterilized steel staple is placed in a very strategic cartilaginous area of the ear. The staple device is left on the ear for anywhere between a few weeks to several months. The basis for choosing this particular part of the ear is mainly based on acupuncture philosophies originating from Asia. It is said that piercing this specific point in your outer ear area will cause gradual decline in your appetite and therefore allow you to control your ballooning weight.

This sounds like a quick fix for many people. But for many medical experts, ear stapling can cause a variety of bad side effects from infections to permanent deformity of the ears. In fact, many doctors express their reservations against this new weight loss procedure, saying that the devastating risks far outweigh the results. Besides, there is no evidence that can categorically prove that ear stapling can diminish one's craving for food.

The amount of time that the staple remains attached to your ear only means that bacteria and other harmful microorganisms have a greater chance of building up and entering your body and bring about havoc. Above all, wounds and infections on cartilaginous tissues, like the one found in your ears, can be difficult to heal as blood circulation in this type of tissue is relatively limited. A prolonged rupture in the cartilage found in your ear area can lead to permanent disfigurement of the affected ear.

Many people who plan to have ear stapling are not even aware of these adverse consequences. The pressure to lose weight and the feeling of being in fashion seem to be stronger than worrying about the complications. Before you subject yourself to this weight loss procedure, you should know that ear stapling gives you a 20% chance of getting ear infection, and that can be a huge gamble according to medical experts.

Therefore, before you or your friends go to an ear stapler in some back alley, you should think things through. There are safer and more effective ways of cutting down your appetite and losing weight. And whatever you do, you must always choose certified professionals when you need help in losing weight.

For instance, instead of ear stapling, you can go to a professional acupuncturist. Given that acupuncture is the basis for ear stapling, why not go directly to the source? In an authentic acupuncture technique, needles are taken out in less than one or two hours; this means you are not exposed to infectious germs and bacteria.

You can also use products like Zyroxin which allow you to burn excess calories in your body. To know more about the proper way to lose extra pounds, visit

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine