Today’s woman can easily assert her femininity and unique sense of personal style in a business setting and by doing so enhance her power.

You might be saying that this isn’t so easy. Women in corporate America are expected to wear boring boxy navy or black suits. Especially, the higher your rank, the more you are expected to subscribe to the “male standard” of attire to assert your power.

Expected is the operative word. Who sets the standards for expectations? You do! Where is there a uniform code for women to wear standard business attire in a business setting? I definitely haven’t come across any legislature. Also, you don't get paid because of what you wear. In fact, successful women CEOs and executives can just as easily be found in jeans. I would dare say that fashion and work do go hand in hand.

The fashion industry seems to have realized this as well. Today’s fashion designs have taken a decidedly more feminine, edgier look. A look that celebrates a woman's power, success and personality. Clothes and fashion accessories help a woman play up both her credibility and her appeal to her team, business associates and customers by making a statement about her individuality.

Therefore, the real key to dressing for wealth and success, as a business woman, is being true to yourself. Your comfort with who you are and the comfort with what you’re wearing, will translate into extreme confidence in your appearance. This then will ultimately translate into great performance. Great performance and confidence then propels you forward to success and wealth.

I also want to point out that comfort with what you’re wearing is absolutely essential. It’s okay to want to be a Fashionista, but if you are just wearing certain clothing and accessories for fashion’s sake and don’t feel comfortable, then leave those items for others to buy who do feel these items express their individuality. Also, if you are a person who loves suits and decide to become a jeans wearing type because your team wears them, stick to your suits. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Again, be who you are. This philosophy is how you attract success and wealth. You’re a hard working business woman.

Please celebrate your individuality. You’ll see how your performance goes through the roof. Also, allow the same for your team. Your success and wealth will greatly benefit from everyone’s increased productivity!

So, go ahead and express yourself by setting new standards in business attire. A look that celebrates your power and personality propels you forward to success and wealth.

Author's Bio: 

Marion Chamberlain is founder of MMC Style (, an Internet store for European fashion accessories sourced from unique and highly-talented small design shops in Europe.

Marion’s international background, entrepreneurial spirit and love for European fashion are what motivated her to launch an internet store geared toward helping women to adorn their uniqueness.

Marion’s philosophy is to provide her customers with high-quality accessories, superior customer support and valuable informational tools knowing that each woman is unique and her personal style reflects her essence.