There are a couple of things you've probably heard said over and over. The first is, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?". What you'll generally hear next is the response which goes something like, "God DOES answer your prayers. Sometimes he just says 'No'".

The fact is, it's not God who says "No". In fact, God - the infinite source of "All that Is", ONLY says "Yes"! God is the ultimate "creation" mechanism. God responds PRECISELY to YOUR creative catalyst.

So you say, "Well, I've been asking God for money, but he hasn't given it to me.". The answer lies in HOW you are asking! Remember that God - the Universe - responds in a very precise way! It's a matter of Quantum Physics! If your prayer goes something like, "Dear God. I'm in trouble. I have no money. I can't pay any of the bills. I need money!", then THAT is what will be real for you. You WILL be in trouble. You WILL have no money! You WON'T be able to pay the bills, and you WILL NEED MONEY.

The Universe feeds back to you what you give it - and in fact, amplifies it!

If who you are "being" is a person with what we'll call "lack consciousness", then LACK will be your reality! Every thought you have about "not having" will be mirrored in your experience of reality.

Do you desire wealth? Then BE wealthy first, and the Universe will respond.

The fact is, we are here for the express purpose of creating our realities and living incredible lives. We are the manifestation of God's experience in the physical. God does not desire for us to live in lack, and in fact strongly desires that we have everything we desire. It is WHY we have desires in the first place! We are not only meant to have our desires realized, but we have the ability to have them manifest in our lives WHENEVER we want!

However, our egos and limiting belief systems have distorted our power. We have made ourselves "small". We have created thoughts about wealth and prosperity that make them inaccessible to us. Yet they are RIGHT THERE...waiting for us to experience them.

God does not say, "No, you may not experience wealth." God says, "YES! EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING!". However the "mechanics" of reality creation require you to BELIEVE that you already have the things you desire. That's why it's so easy for so many people to experience "lack". It's easier for them to believe that they "can't have something" than it is for them to have everything they want because they have all this external "evidence". The fact is, however, that it is just as "easy" to have either one. It is simply a matter of your belief.

Your current experience is the PERFECT manifestation of your current belief system. It is the EFFECT, not the cause. YOU are the cause your experience. When you can integrate that, you can begin to create consciously from the inside out (which is the only way you CAN create). You can break out of the "loop" which has you believing that your external circumstances are causing your experience.

You must understand that whatever your experience is right now, it is God (the Universe, All that Is) saying "YES" to whoever it is you are being, thinking, speaking, and acting.

To create consciously you MUST "be", "think", "speak", and "act" that your desires are already fulfilled - and they shall be. To the extent that you do these things, you will experience the "yes" that you REALLY desire from God much more quickly.

Author's Bio: 

Bob Doyle is the founder of Boundless Living and the creator of the "Wealth Beyond Reason" package which fully explores the topic of wealth consciousness so that you can begin to attract the wealth you desire using specific and unbreakable laws of quantum physics.