There is really only one way to answer this question: of course you do.

If you did not answer the question this way, then this is a clue you are not programmed for wealth.

Did you think wealth was a result of circumstances or luck? Do you feel like it is something constantly out of reach? Do you find yourself struggling to make ends meet or working for the weekends?

Bob Doyle's Wealth Beyond Reason showed me that this was all garbage. I was feeding myself a diet of doubt and quiet despair with regards to my finances, and sadly I was attracting situations, people, and experiences that reflected this.

I was living a self-fulfilling prophecy, stuck in a poverty mindset.

Things are different now.
I do feel wealthy and I experience an abundant lifestyle. I don't worry about money anymore and live in a state of peace and gratitude. I have true wealth.

Now I'm sure a lot of you out there are saying, "yeah? but what about the money??"

In Wealth Beyond Reason , Bob explains, shows, and demonstrates that wealth is not first about money. Money is a part of it, as it is the primary tool by which we express gratitude and appreciation, but it is not the be all and end all.

Here is a big secret about wealth building: money flows as a result of who you are, not what you do.

Say what?!

That's right, when you are a person who feels wealthy (despite your circumstances), who feels gratitude (no matter what happens to them), and makes choices with freedom and certainty (without any expectation of the outcome), then money starts to flow in, as a by-product of you living a life of freedom, fun, and fulfilment.

How do I know this?

I am living proof. I make choices on what I do in my work by what feels good, what feels like fun, and what resonates with me. I gave up making huge business plans with dates and deadlines, and instead work on a projects that I feel inspired to create. Just for the fun of it. I am making a difference to my clients and readers, and I am being my authentic self. Plus it's really fun. As a result, money is showing up for me in unexpected ways (new speaking opportunities I hadn't planned on, clients who ring me out of the blue I hadn't targeted, and sales of my products without specific marketing). I am like a money magnet.

But again, this is only a by-product of who I am and making choices that feel good. The money is kind of an after-thought. A nice side effect. The real payload is living this life of joy and freedom.

Want some of that?

Bob Doyle's Wealth Beyond Reason is a great place to start. It is a comprehensive wealth manifestation and mindset program. It is like having a whole set of gurus urging you on, supporting you, and shoewing you in detail what to do to reach the kind of freedom you only ever imagined. It is a wealth immersion program.

Bob has collected numerous resources to make this a comprehensive, holistic, and results-oriented program.

He has ebooks from some of the best names in wealth creation:
David Cameron, Joe Vitale, Wallace Wattles

He has a ton of audio that includes seminars, classes, interviews with other experts, Emotional Freedom Technique resources, videos, and audio.

He also has a Mastermind area where you can hang out with other like-minded people.

He keeps on giving tons of information with the coaching blog: he responds to email questions from folks - for free! Plus you get to learn from everybody else's experience.

For me, this program is really about a complete immersion environment where you can soak all your beliefs and attitudes in a positive, supportive environment with a ton of resources. Truly there is so much information and help here!

Basically this is the program I started designing for myself, feeling the need for this kind of information to spread to others. To my delight, Bob had already done all the work for me, and much more thoroughly I had ever imagined!

I know you will love this program, and I know you will get benefits from it beyond any expectation you may have.

Author's Bio: 

Zoë Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass, where she helps personal development enthusiasts leverage their best asset, themselves. She has paddled 30 weeks by canoe in northwest Ontario, run 6 marathons, written a book, survived cancer, and wrestled a crocodile. It’s all true, except for the crocodile part. Sign up for Compass Bearings, a free on line magazine for personal development enthusiasts who want easy new success strategies following the Law of Attraction. To find out more about Wealth Beyond Reason, go to