Feeling a little itchy, inflamed and stiff in the joints? If you feel that your condition adheres to the aforementioned characteristics, then it is possible that you may be suffering from arthritis. You are just one of the millions of people around the world who are infected with this condition.

Arthritis involves pain, swelling, and inflammation of joints which results from infections, metabolic disturbances or other causes. Fluctuating pain and stiffness follow and can get worse during occasional flare-ups. Many people who are affected by this condition regularly complain of flu- like symptoms such as tiredness and depression. Therefore it is essential to treat this condition before it gets onto the next stage and halt it in its tracks.

This article aims to provide an insight into several methods that can be used to treat arthritis naturally, causing minimal side effects.

The technique of acupuncture has been used for centuries by the Chinese. It is based on the theory that inserting hair-fine needles along certain energy lines can help stimulate energy flow. It is believed by scientists that the insertion causes the nervous system to release endogenous, which acts as pain-relieving chemicals. This can therefore help in reducing pain.

Alexander technique involves analyzing whole body patterns, rather then a certain part of the body which contains the symptom. It is a way of teaching improved stance to help people stand and move more efficiently. It is designed to help us maneuver in a better way and eliminate tension which is responsible for many ailments in the body which rambles on to give a greater effect during old age.

Aromatherapy is a technique similar to that of massage. It involves the use of extracted oil from flowers, plants and trees, and using it in combination with massage, baths and steam inhalation. The right mixture of essential oils can provide a number of benefits. It helps in relaxation, pain relief and decreasing tiredness.

Chiropractic has long been used to give relief from symptoms of arthritis. This technique aims to increase the mobility and relieve the body of tension and stress by adjusting the joints of the spins and the limbs, which demonstrates constrained movement.

Homeopathy has its roots in history. Developed in the 18th century, it’s a system of remedies based on the belief that taking tiny amount of natural substances to stimulate body own defenses against arthritis. It basically involves taking the whole body into account rather then a specific region.

Osteopathy is a method to treat arthritis which includes the manipulation of the body to restore normal action and decrease pain. This methods cant reverse profound damage done to the joints but can help in improving mobility. However this treatment is not recommended for those suffering from osteoporosis or inflamed joints.

Reflexology has been an ancient technique used by the early Egyptians and Chinese. It involves massage to the feet and the palm of the hand to help improve the state of the rest of the body. When massage will be applied to the feet or palm of the hand, it will generate a warm and comforting sensation. This is an ideal method for stress management and overall health maintenance; factors that cause arthritis.

The practice of yoga has been used for a variety of conditions. It involves a combination of breathing exercises and relaxation to cope with daily stress and help in circulation and movement of joints.

The aforementioned techniques have been the most common natural arthritis treatments. However before any of theses techniques are implemented, it is essential to see your nearest doctor to analyze your state and then use these techniques. This is because each arthritis patient will have requirements that need to be addressed individually.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Kokoska is an EzineArticles.com Author and Expert.

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Source: EzineArticles.com


This definition is part of a series that covers the topic of Arthritis Treatment. The Official Guide to Arthritis Treatment is Margie Garrison. Margie Garrison is an authority on the treatment of arthritis, a self-published author of the book I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too and her free weekly alternative health newsletter, Amazing Secrets To Fantastic Health. Margie has raised four children, walked on fire with Tony Robbins, traveled the country, and appeared as a guest speaker on over 200 radio shows and six TV talk shows. Unable to find answers through traditional medicine, Margie spent several years researching and found an alternative technique that enabled her to be free from her arthritis for over 25 years.

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