If you read faces for only one thing during Campaign 2008, keep your eyes out for crooked mouths.

It's a very significant thing when a mouth pulls toward one side, or a smile is significantly off kilter. When you're watching the presidential conventions, listen to the speeches but watch the mouths.

Don't just take my word about why. You can experiment right now. All you'll need is:

•Your mouth
•A mirror
•Your voice
•Your feelings

Then start to test any of these you're curious about. And just for fun -- or a sob – depending on your political point of view – I'll illustrate with examples of certain familiar politicians, including the latest roster of presidential candidates and their wives.

1.Look in the mirror. Hold it up, so you see yourself on the level, and locate your mouth. Is it pretty much centered on your face? And I'm hoping, also, that you'll find that mouth between your nose and your chin. (Otherwise, call 911.)
2.Say out loud, "Trust me. I'm telling you the truth."
3.Close your eyes and notice how you feel inside. Just being you, what's that like right now. Comfortable or not?
4.Smile now. Use your mirror to check that your smile is centered on your face.
5.Repeat Steps 2-3.

With face reading, what does it mean to have your mouth in the middle? You tend to tell the truth. If you can smile that way, it means that when you're trying to project your personality out toward other people – or the crowd listening to your speech – you're not selling out to anyone. You're being yourself.

The good news about this year's presidential election is that one candidate, and one candidate's wife, can manage to do this:

Barack Obama has a big, open smile.
It's also well centered.

The same can be said for Michele Obama.

Bill Clinton, once derided as "Slippery Bill," could now be a poster child for Politician Whose Mouth Says Integrity.


You may have a crooked smile or mouth pull. Many people I'm fond of have it. Here are some reasons why a person might develop a pull to the right:

•Trying to please Daddy
•Overcoming shyness or a stutter
•Pushing to help others despite self-doubt

And here are some reasons why a person might develop a pull to the left:

•Trying to please Mom
•Childhood learning that it isn't safe to tell others your true opinions or feelings
•Shyness that hasn't been overcome

But, for either type of mouth migration, there can be another reason: Chronic lying.

Every story is unique, just like every face. That's why I prefer to supplement face reading with aura reading or an empath-merge when there seems to be a significant problem relating to character.

Remember, my system of Face Reading Secrets (R) interprets mouths and other face parts in terms of existing talent and potential challenge. My system also emphasizes the role of free will, which changes face data over time, depending on personal development.

Still, in certain cases I do find cause for alarm in a migrated mouth. When a politician has great power, integrity matters enormously, especially since we live in such an Age of Spin.

Also, when a mouth becomes more crooked over time – especially during the time that a politician is in power – that is a very great cause for concern.

And why would that be? Let's give you a chance to experience personally what it means to increase the asymmetry of your own mouth.


Sure, you can try on mouth pulls and crooked smiles. Before you start experimenting, or reading this trait on others, remember that mirrors reverse right and left on a face. When you see yourself in a mirror, telling left from right is easy. To do the same with a photo, or just to stare at someone across the room from you on the Convention floor, remember to cross over, as if shaking hands.

Otherwise you'll get the directions backwards and throw off the accuracy of your interpretations.

Mouth Toward the Right.
1.Move mouth muscles so your mouth torques toward the right side of your face.
2.Look in the mirror to check that you have managed to manufacture a temporary mouth pull. Put that mirror down.
3.Say out loud, "Trust me. I'm telling you the truth."
4.Close your eyes and notice how you feel inside. Just being you, what's that like right now. Comfortable or not?
5.Smile now. Use your mirror to check that your smile is higher on the right than the left. Push this asymmetry as far as you can.
6.Repeat Steps 3-4.

With face reading, what does that mean? You're distorting yourself. At least, I hope it feels that way. You have been pushing, as a communicator to appeal to someone.

The symbolic meaning, in my system of Face Reading Secrets (R), is that the more your mouth pulls and that right mouth corner lifts up, the more you are trying to please the multitudes.

Getting approval from as many people as possible, that's the name of this game. And just look who plays it:

Often, President George Bushmoves in this groveling direction.

Considering the late, lamented political career of John Edwards, when nominated for the Kerry ticket, his mouth was beautifully centered. By his own recent admission, he began feeling special, had an affair, pushed his political aspirations to the limit. At the worst of it, his ethics headed south but his mouth went northeast.


Now let's try the other version of crookedness.

Mouths Toward the Left.

1.Move mouth muscles so your mouth pulls toward the left side of your face.
2.Look in the mirror to check that you have managed to manufacture a temporary mouth pull. Put that mirror down.
3.Say out loud, "Trust me. I'm telling you the truth."
4.Close your eyes and notice how you feel inside. Just being you, what's that like right now. Comfortable or not?
5.Smile now. Use your mirror to check that your smile is higher on the right than the left. Push this asymmetry as far as you can.
6.Repeat Steps 3-4.

What's the symbolic meaning in terms of face reading? You're bending the truth by talking toward the left. This suggests a private agenda, one that you keep hidden from all but the folks on your side.

The Bush administration may have hit some new lows in terms of civil liberties, torture, lying to bring our country to war. In terms of mouth asymmetries, however, it has hit highs, and also some very considerable sideways:

Our first example belongs to our POTUS. Sometimes Mr. Bush speaks in a different vein from his right-leaning mode.

No wonder he gets along so well with Dick Cheney.

Think I'm kidding about Cheney's extreme left-leaning mouth?

And I'm especially fond of this photo of Bush with Karl Rove, where they seem to be posing asThe Extreme Mouth Pull-to-Left Twins.


Are Democrats crying wolf when they say that a vote for McCain means "more of the same"? Not according to the McCain mouth:

He manages to do both, angle his smile higher on the right while simultaneously pulling significantly toward the left.

Wife Cindy also smiles with a huge and chronic mouth pull.

If I had to give a prize, right now, to the politician with the most crooked smile, it would have to go to a long-time politician who is neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Joe Lieberman,one-time veep candidate, has evolved significantly in his quest for political power.

It isn't that time hasn't been kind to him, friends. His own choices haven't been kind to him.

Like McCain, only more so, there's the smile angling higher on the right while pulling out toward the left.

Try it. You'll hate it. (I hope.)

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree's books include "Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras." An independent publisher, she has over 200,000 copies of her books in print worldwide.

A detailed face reading of political candidates is due to appear in the Virginian-Pilot newspaper on Sunday, September 21.

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings, another form of spiritual reading.

She's an Expert on Aura here at self-growth.com.

Prefer to study directly? Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website.

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

* “Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras” , the first book to combine all three different forms of deeper perception,

* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses” , to help you get skills at reading energy fields.

*"Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality" , a healing how-to,

*"Empowered by EMPATHY”with leading-edge techniques that Rose teaches internationally,

*“The Power of FACE Reading”, and

*“ Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.”

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here

With over 140,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at www.rose-rosetree.com. Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community.

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