At the end of the last century, there was a popular song that exclaimed our children are our future. It was a powerful song with a powerful message. Once we've finished our adult life and get ready to settle into our retirement years, they will be the ones to take over. We need to teach them the best that we can, including how to be a good leader. We seem to have forgotten that message evidenced by increasingly disturbing news reports about the young in our country and even by some of the behavior seen when in public places. We need to refocus and remember how to create a successful youth so that they can enjoy the success of their adulthood and pass their knowledge on to the next generation.

In order to create a successful youth in our society, it is a good idea to build a strong character. Mentorship programs are outstanding ways to involve young people in learning about education, business and community. A mentor acts as a leader to show the younger generation how to be a leader instead of a follower. It only takes one person with a genuine interest and commitment in a young person in order to change the course of his or her life for the better.

Mentors are the ultimate teacher. Through encouragement and ideas, they can teach our youth to overcome fear and tackle even difficult tasks. They may even be able to help a young person overcome fear to discover an unexpected passion. If they try at something and fail, overcoming the fear of failing again is essential to becoming successful. Mentors have the power to encourage and shape even the most resistant young person because ultimately, everyone wants to succeed.

If a young person is able to participate in a business entrepreneurship program, it can teach them outstanding lessons about team work, the value of money and pride in earning money. Children are born with a curious nature and business is a common interest of many kids. Lemonade stands, mowing services and even shoveling snow in the winter are all ways young people explore and experiment with business. The same curiosity is there as they grow older, but the right opportunity and mentor can turn the curiosity for any young person into a bright and promising future.

When the youth of our society falls or fails, there isn't always someone there to help them learn from their mistakes or encourage them to continue trying. Everyone needs someone in their corner, guiding and teaching them while helping to build character. Having a mentor provides our youth with this much needed cheerleader of sorts for both the good times and the rough times. Successful mentoring often teaches our youth a healthy feeling of gratitude as well.

Finally, taking a young person under your wing and never giving up can make them understand the concept of setting goals and sticking to them. Having goals can lead to a healthy drive for reaching those goals. Reaching those goals provides an unmatched sense of accomplishment. The entire process can help complete the mold of a young person who is well-rounded with a strong character.

Author's Bio: 

Justin Sachs, author of Your Mailbox Is Full a book which gives teenagers the life-skills and leadership development principles they need to be successful in school and throughout their lives. His products, coaching and speaking services are available on his website at