Is anyone wondering how the events of September 11th happened? Are you feeling sad, angry or frustated? Are you wondering what you can do to help this world? The problems seem immense. It is overwhelming when we think of the whole problem. Are we using the best solutions? Are we listening to those that need to be heard? Are we looking for the root of the problem?
What can we as individuals do to move this situation in a positive direction? Well, we can wake up and remember who we are! We can remember what our purpose here is. We can use our own unique gifts and passions to heal this planet and its' people. Are you using yours?
What would it be like if we all lived our purpose? Ask yourself, are you going through life like a robot? Are you following the same routine everyday and feeling little or no satisfaction? Do you appear to have it all, yet something is still missing?
What are we missing? What are we missing that we have allowed ourselves to live like this? Are you being your authentic self? How many of us actually feel like our life has purpose? How buried is yours?
Do you realize if we all lived our dreams, there would be no holes in this world? What do we need to do to wake up? I say we need to refocus. Remember we have a soul! Remember there is nothing we can not do, nothing we cannot be.
When thinking about your passion, think big! Anything at all. Feel what it would be like to wake up and do something you loved. Vision this in your mind. Feel the joy and excitement. By living your passion, you will attract into your life others who are living the same quality of life. Your whole life will improve. You will stir others to do the same. Who do you need to become to do this? What do you now need to let go of to make room for this? It is time for each of us to take responsibility for ourselves and the way we are choosing to live. How can we take care of ourselves or another if we are not fully awake and alive?
I say, if we all lived our purpose, we would be whole again. We would take care of each other. We would not walk past another in need because that would hurt his very soul, and in essence the soul of the whole.
When you think there is nothing you can do, start with yourself. Look within. Ask yourself,what am I not doing that I know I was meant to do. Who do I need to be in order to live my purpose? What are the steps I need to take in order to reach this?
Stop holding yourself back from your brilliance! By changing ourselves we can change the world! You are an awesome being. Let yourself shine.
Lynn Cohen is currently enrolled in Coach University, an
educational facility for training professional coaches. Her passion is to
make others aware of their own life's purpose and to help them remember
who they are.
She also presently coaches others on decorating their home. Lynn
takes a back door approach to decorating and guides her clients in
making their physical environments a place that reflects who they are. Her
company name is Design's to Grow.
There are steps that a person can take to clear away unnecessary
clutter both in their inner and outer environments, thus allowing and
making space for their full potential to flourish.
Lynn works with clients via the telephone, email and in person.
The biggest requirement of a client is that they are willing and ready to
grow. She has helped many clients open up and live their dreams. To
contact her, email her at
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