Careful food planning for a celiac disease diet is key, if you are a sufferer of this condition. Although it sounds as if there is no cure, there are however important diet changes that you can make to help reduce the frequency and severity of your symptoms. Celiac disease occurs when you consume foods containing gluten. The consumption of gluten triggers a reaction that damages the lining of the small intestines. This can affect the level of absorption of nutrients in the small intestines. Celiac disease is also an autoimmune intestinal disorder.

If you do not seek treatment for your Celiac disease, then the consequences can be dangerous. Because the intestinal absorption is impacted, your body becomes deprived of essential nutrients. Nutrient and vitamin deficiencies can cause all kinds of illnesses that affect every part of your body. Careful food planning for a Celiac disease diet can help.

Gluten is the protein found in some grains; for example, wheat, rye, and barley. There are other grains that do not contain gluten, such as oats, amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa. However, these grains are often contaminated with gluten during processing. Hence, you should look out the labeling on your food products to make sure that they are 100% gluten free.

Unfortunately, all the mentioned grains make up many common foods. Hence, you may find it a challenge to do grocery shopping for foods that do not contain grains. Still, you should make an effort by checking out specialty shops while planning for a celiac disease diet. It is important that you eliminate gluten from the diet in order to allow intestinal inflammation to come down and for the intestinal lining to heal.

Fortunately, there are foods that are allowed in a Celiac disease diet. There are flours without gluten, such as rice, soy, corn, and potato. In fact, as compared to a couple of years back, there are now more gluten-free products on the market. As more people realize that they have a sensitivity or allergy to gluten, more providers are offering substitutes. If your local grocery store has limited options, you can find products on the internet.

Supplements can assist in the healing of the intestinal tract. However, you should check for labeling on all supplements to make sure there is no gluten present. A multivitamin and mineral supplement will help to counter deficiencies caused by malabsorption while the healing process takes place. Omega 3 oil is helpful in fighting intestinal inflammation. You can obtain Omega 3 in fish oils.

Herbal remedies can also be included in a Celiac disease diet. They can also be used to ease inflammation and support the healing process. Evening primrose, slippery elm, and burdock are often recommended by natural health experts for this purpose.

While you may find it hard to resist the traditional pizza crust or to lay off a gluten containing food, the sacrifice that you make is definitely worth it. In time, the intestines will regenerate and symptoms will improve. Proper food planning for a Celiac disease diet can enable you to enjoy your meals!

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Kim Leong writes about the importance of improving digestive health. She believes in adopting a detox cleansing diet to help in the removal of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract such as the colon, liver or kidney. For free research and tips, please visit