Welcome to my candidiasis cure review.

For the past decade my partner and I have had this ongoing problem of candidiasis, and last year we decided we'd had enough.

We had tried just about every over-the-counter medication available, and while some of them worked for a short while, the problem always returned.
So we decided we would look for a natural candidiasis cure.

One product in particular caught our eye for two reasons: (1) it was a completely natural candidiasis cure, and (2), it claimed to offer a complete cure.

The lady who discovered this natural remedy is a nutritionalist named Linda Allen. She was a sufferer herself of the candidiasis, and like us had decided to do something about it; but that's where the similarity ends because this lady spent the next seven years of her life trying to figure out how to cure candidiasis.

In that time she read 280 books on health and nutrition, and went on to interview doctors, homeopaths, herbalists, and countless ordinary people like us who suffered with candidiasis.

After a while she became infuriated with the pharmaceutical industry and their temporary solutions. Not only that, but she states that in some cases there are medications that actually aggravate the problem and make it much worse.

Toward the end of her seven-year research she instigated tests on 15 people as a preliminary test of her natural candidiasis cure.

This resulted in all 15 people being completely cured of their candidiasis.

Since that time she has cured thousands of people from all over the world and her web site is littered with letters of thanks as testimony to the program working.

Well, with all this information we decided to try her natural cure.

Her book is a 150 pages long, and is filled with advice like: the ten worst foods you should never eat, and, the ten best anti-yeast food you should constantly eat. Other guidelines are: the importance of pro and prebiotics, and the 4 most important nutritional foundations to an anti-yeast program. There is information that outlines a crucial link between insomnia, stress and candidiasis, and the importance of an acid-alkaline balance.

I'm afraid I can't give too much away here for fear of copyright infringement, but there is some pretty revelatory stuff in there.

We started to follow the candidiasis cure and after about three weeks our infection did indeed start to clear.

However, merely getting it to clear was something that a lot of products can do. The real proof of the pudding would be waiting to see if it returned.

As I outlined earlier, that was the arc of the problem. In fact, that was the arc of the problem for Allen. There are a plethora of products that will temporarily 'cure' candidiasis, but they just don't get to the cause. I knew that Allen was obsessed with the cause, and that seemed to make a whole lot of sense to me. However, just being obsessed about the cause of Candidiasis doesn't mean you will find a permanent cure. But...

I am very pleased to announce that after nine months of using nothing but this natural remedy, we have both remained joyfully free of any infection, and it's looking very likely that this lady has indeed found a natural Candidiasis cure.

Author's Bio: 

If you would like to learn more about this natural candidiasis cure, and where to purchase the book then please go here www.squidoo.com/candidiasiscure