"What do they smell like?" is the question I often get asked when I display my bottles of flower essence formulas at a healing arts fair. I explain that there is no smell because the contents in the bottles is vibrational medicine---pure healing energy.

"What does that mean?" is usually the next. "They're for inner healing, and each bottle works for something different like stress relief, clear thinking, anxiety, and so on" I say. If they want more information, I try to keep it simple (ha!), explaining that one puts drops of the medicine under one's tongue. The energy of the flower essences etherically interacts with various aspects of the person's subtle anatomy (like chakras, meridians, etc.). Over time, positive shifts and changes develop at core levels of the soul and psyche. These gentle shifts or re-patterning of energy may occur emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and/or physically---allowing new insights, perspectives, and balance for personal growth and evolution. Other beautiful aspects of this medicine is that it's non-toxic, self-adjusting within each person's body and you can't possibly overdose on it.

The conversation might go on or stop here, but at least, if only briefly, one more person has been introduced to the premise of vibrational medicine and the fact that flower essences and essential oils are quite different. My approach to working with essences is also different, representative of a growing paradigm shift in this field of energy healing work.

A Brief History

Seventy years ago, the ancient---and almost lost---healing art of flower essences was rebirthed onto the planet by a gifted English physician named Edward Bach. At that time in history, there was a great amount of fear and uncertainty. We had just ended one world war and were proceeding headlong into another.

Dr. Bach was a conventionally trained pathologist and bacteriologist who became disenchanted with symptom-based allopathic medicine. Recognizing the connection of emotional and psychological states to physical health, he began working with homeopathics and then evolved to flower essences. A keenly sensitive man, Dr. Bach was able to intuit the health and healing qualities of the plants and apply them to human personality traits and emotional imbalances. His extensive work and empirical studies have fully stood the test of time. We owe this visionary a debt of gratitude.

Over the past twenty years, many people from all over the planet have been inspired and guided to develop essences from their regions, offering a wide range of diverse vibrational healing elements to humanity. While Bach, in his day, worked with 38 original essences, we now have thousands from which to choose. In my personal journey of discovery with essences I have come to the realization that it is time to reevaluate this healing medium.

Until recently, most practitioners have trained under the auspices of the "Bible of Bach" which basically says not to mix any more than four to six essences together or you will overwhelm the client. That was true for the 1930's. I believe that now, it is time to let that idea evolve. Today we live in a more complex world, encounter more complex difficulties and situations, and are generally more complex as humans. Also, the vibrational frequency of our planet is being scientifically monitored and is increasing. Consequently, the vibrational healing capacity of humans is expanding at this time. Gregg Braden's work addresses these changes very thoroughly.

Personally, I have never gotten a result from using one or even a few essences. That's how I got started sourcing the complex, synergistic blends that I work with. Also, I have come to realize that there are powerful, wise forces guiding and assisting me in this work. So I do my best to listen and create. At this time my personal formula has over 100 essences and elixers in it, and I have spoken with people who have used well over 1,000 essences at a time.

Getting Started With Vibrational Medicine

Flower essences are infusions of specially harvested blossoms in spring water, preserved in brandy. They are taken internally, either as drops under the tongue, in a glass of water or cup of tea, and can also be absorbed externally through the skin. These remedies stand on their own as powerful, transformational healing agents and they can be used to enhance and harmonize other forms of natural healing. They are especially helpful with emotional processing and psycho-spiritual healing work.

The original intent and promise of the devic realm was to assist and benefit humans in evolution as well as our diverse nutritional, healing, and well-being needs. Vibrationally, each plant, with its own unique pattern of energy (which has been captured with Kirlian photography) is capable of interacting with us on multidimensional levels. They can provide extra love and support in our lives to gently nudge and encourage us to shed limiting patterns and behaviors that do not serve our highest purpose. Incorporating essences into our personal self-healing practices can facilitate many long term benefits.

With the abundance of essences currently available, there are vibrational remedies to assist with a wide variety of things from addictions to self-actualization, detoxing to jet lag, depression to spiritual awakening, boundaries to psychic gifts, and more. While still not as widely embraced as aromatherapy and homeopathy, flower essence therapy is steadily emerging as a very appropriate and profound tool to expand self-love, self-knowledge, and lasting growth.

Author's Bio: 

Holly Beatie is a former world class Biathlete who is now focusing her passion on developing her own stock flower essence line from the High Sierra, creating a line of original flower essence formulas and other products using essences, essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients. For more information about flower essences and High Sierra Healing Products contact Holly Beatie, PO Box 4275, Truckee, CA 96160. 530-550-0885. e-mail: hb@highoctavehealing.com. website: www.highoctavehealing.com.