As Gandhi said, "Be the change you seek.". Many people live in a state of quiet desperation or restless agitation. Conditioned in their youth, they are exhausted living their 'should be" supposed-to-be lives. You can get good at living someone else's life yet it's exhausting! You were born to ...As Gandhi said, "Be the change you seek.". Many people live in a state of quiet desperation or restless agitation. Conditioned in their youth, they are exhausted living their 'should be" supposed-to-be lives. You can get good at living someone else's life yet it's exhausting! You were born to express your fullest potential. You were born to live your rich delicious life and you entered this world with an Inner Wizard.

This Inner Wizard is an alchemist who knows how to turn your dreams into reality. It is the voice of your intuition, truth and inspiration. And as a small child you created an Inner Critic, who became the voice of your self-doubt and fear. You turned your power over to this Inner Critic to help you cope, help you navigate through your early life experience. The Inner Critic kept you safe by creating a rule book to live by. And you are living by this same rule book today.

The problem is, most of these rules were based on your misinterpretations of what you saw, heard or felt as a child. "Don't talk to strangers" became "People I don't know can hurt me" and now you fear public speaking. "Don't be selfish" became "It's not good to take care of your core needs". "Don't be stupid" became "I'm not smart enough". See a pattern? If you are not already living the life you dream of your misinterpreted rule book is embedded in your sub-conscious and directing your life today.

You long to be, do or have something you are not. What you long for is who you are! That's why you yearn so desperately for that life! You're deepest desire is to come forth into your experience as the fullest expression of who you are at your deepest core. And when you do, the energy with which you approach your life is unlimited!

The good news is your Inner Wizard is still there, within you. You can learn how to tame your misguided Inner Critic and return the power back over to your Inner Wizard. Your Inner Wizard is the best Coach, Guide, Guru or Teacher you could ever hope to have. Trust its wisdom and you will effortlessly manifest, easily achieve, everything you want to be, do and have in life!

"Whether you think you can or think you can't - you're right!" Henry Ford

Author's Bio: 

Valery is a Mentor, Coach & Author who provides an all in one toolkit and training course that give you the necessary tools and information to get over the unique challenges that come from success, fame and fortune. Championing those who have or aspire fame and/or fortune to maximize their potential is her calling. She's fully prepared to engage clients with her experience, extensive training, certifications. For more information please visit