Hope so this relates to YOU. If not thanks God. Fearand frustration are biggest obstacles towards success.Newbies caught by these two F's results into failureand ultimately quitting.

Tremendous Confusion When Started -- Several Questions...

* How to get started?
* Can I make money online?
* What should I do?
* What should I sell?
* Will people buy?
* How to design my site?
* How to get automated?
* How to drive traffic?

Common Excuses...

* I am not creative,
* I have no money,
* I have no technical skills,
* I am confused,
* I want a readymade business, etc.

Eyes popping on a screen with 100,000 channels totallyconfused, hunting for a channel where $$$ exists. Waitingfor some miracle to happen and praying for a sale topopup.

Lots of hypes and promises floating all around bysome self proclaimed Gurus just to get those few bucksout of your pocket. Who must I believe and not?Another big question.

But answer of 'How to achieve success?' is nowherehidden in answers to these above questions.

The Only Answer According To Me Is 'YOU'

You are solely responsible for your success orfailure and no one else.

Just keep in mind one sentence 'I will do it and Ihave got to do it' and believe me you will.

Success is within YOU and nowhere else. If you wantto be big, think BIG. Definition of insanity is thatpeople want extraordinary results by doing ordinarythings.

Making it short: Have patience, be determined to succeed,copy and learn from experts and above all have faithin God. You will SUCCEED.


Check Out Your 8 Steps To Success...

1. Possess a positive attitude and be away fromnegativity. Life has tremendous possibilities above our imagination. Take advantage of it.

2. Strive to succeed. Never give up, never EVERquit. Try and try till you succeed.

3. Work smart and learn everything YOU can. Keybetween success and failure is know-how. Get itfrom experts and you will SUCCEED.

4. DRIVE yourself with a burning desire to succeed.Stay focused on your goals at all times.

5. Never run behind 'get rich quick' and'overnight millionaire' schemes. Rather push upyour creative juices and do something different.

6. Always think BIG, be open minded and haveconfidence in yourself.

7. Never get upset from some initial failures.Step on them to find your hidden success.

8. Once again! Yep I repeat it several times,patience, passion, persistency, commitment,determination, hardwork, vision and aburning desire to succeed is the ONLY way tomassive success.

I believe I have made you successful from within.

NOW! Lets Be Practical...

I am just a 21-year-old college student and havebeen a victim of tremendous fear in this internet jungle.

This entire article relates to my feelings, fear,frustration, confusion and tears for the last threeyears. And it is quite possible you might be at thesame place where I was.

No guidance, no help, no advice, all alone in thisjungle. My biggest fear was of financial loss, whichwhen comes to internet can be as fast as water flowsfrom a tap. And I know this fear exists in thousandsof newbies.

I am committed to help you, and get you out of thisinternet jungle. The only requirement is hardworkand a will to succeed. That's it.

I wish you all the very best in this internet jungleand pray for your success. Until next time, a wellwisher and a caring friend, Murtuza.

Author's Bio: 

Murtuza Abbas dedicates his life in creating multiplestreams of auto-pilot income with easy to buildminisites. You can receive his...

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